Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 188,728,398 Issue: 529 | 20th day of Sleeping, Y14
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Neopia's first fill-in-the-blank news story!

by mystie06
Guide to the Battledome Era of Anagram Swords

An in-depth look at each of these anagram swords.

by lute248
Customization for Different Budgets! Magma Edition

This week we will be discussing customization of Magma Neopets!

by wrangler_05
Name That Morphing Potion!!

A virtual item scavenger hunt game!

Also by herseypark9753

by mithos__

Attack of the Revenge – Slash those pirates!

Garin, a pirate at heart, the hero that helped save Maraqua, is starring in this thrilling game. He foolishly crossed sea paths with Captain Scarblade and this fearsome captain is out for revenge.

Also written by wesolini

by dawwetje

How to Make Your Invisible Pet Visible

This guide teaches Neopians how to embrace invisibility and stand out even when you are Invisible!

by qwerty863
Interview with Leera Heggle

This is a once in a life-time interview with one of Yooyuball's greatest players!

by no1_tails_fan
Perfecting Your Neopet

Anyone can have a nicely colored and decorated Neopet at the snap of their fingers, but it takes time and dedication to build up a Neopet in such a way as to maximize his or her potential.

by kspare2
Top 10 Gifts for the Shenkuu Festival

There is another New Year coming - the Shenkuu New Year, which is also known as the Shenkuu Festival.

by pfkcmk
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"Hello!" by capricornhunter
"Hello! Would you be interested in pur-" SLAM! Fernie jumped back from the porch in shock. Well, it wasn't really shock, seeing as he had received the same response at least twenty-six times that day. And, for the twenty-sixth time that day, he considered re-knocking. Maybe the wind had just blown the door shut. Oh, who was he kidding? He was a total failure at this job. The speckled Bori turned around, lifting the heavy weight of the unsold...

Other Stories


Ammonia Method
"But Kyrugg," he whispered, "I can't solve it."

His words hit me harder than you might expect. Never in my three years of being acquainted with him have I known him to say those words.

by cactusthorn2151


"Hello! Would you be interested in pur-" 


by capricornhunter


Clues in the Hidden Tower: Sparkles's Mystery - Part Two
"Hang the streamers up there, Scary," Sparkles instructed...

by downrightdude


Scarblade's Pearl: Forgive and Regret - Part Four
Alia gazed up at the Black Pawkeet, eyes wide. She'd always heard stories of how its crew had aided Maraqua in the war against Scarblade, but she'd never seen it for herself...

by theloverpokemonqueen


Intro: Nigel's Arrival- Part One
How did he find us?!?

by celtic_fiddler


Who Said Relic Pets Were Useless?
Relic Paint Brush: Pets painted with this may be harmful to fire pets, fire related items and most of all, the Lava Ghoul.

by kiko_444

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