Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 188,352,100 Issue: 533 | 17th day of Awakening, Y14
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Discovering Neopian Shops

Now, let me explain to you what this marvelous little shop does. It is where Neopians donate their old wearables so other Neopians may take them and hoard them in their closets!

by x_mystichorse_x
The Top 10 Rarest Items in Neopia

There are items so rare that the most you can ever hope to see of them is in your dreams. Let's take a look at some of them, shall we?

by dragonair23
A Chia's Guide to Ice Cream Machine

Hi! I'm Adee the Chia. I live in my dream world in the Ice Cream Machine (or, as the cognoscenti describe it, ICM).

by 9shorerd
Krawk Island Tour Time!

Ahoy there! I be Yellerbeard, arr, ye can just call me Cap'n... arr, 'nd ye got me as yer guide today.

by lillifer
How Not to Get Eaten By a Lupe

Chias, here are some sure-fire ways to not get eaten this Chia Day!

by puufuu
Magnificent Mynci Wearables for Mynci Day!

First of all, 'tis the season to say happy Mynci day to all Myncies and their owners!

by sychologist
The Healthy Chia

Fruit and Vegetable Chias play a large part in the lives of Neopians and Neopets.

by melovechias
Top 10 Things To Do With Your Valentines Memorabilia

Valentine's Day is over, and Neopians across the land are asking one very important question: What in Fyora's name do I do with all this pink stuff...

Also by sinistrous

by agedbeauty

Did your Neopet NOT Receive a Valentine?

Well, all four of my Neopets received no roses or chocolates from any secret admirers this year, and I must say they all had different reactions to what had occurred on that fateful Tuesday.

by mr_holithon
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"Letters to Rachel" by arty32097
Guess what? It happened. Momma finally painted me Rainbow today. Can you imagine it? Me, a Rainbow Xweetok! I just wish you were here to see it. I think Momma does too. I heard her crying last night, when she thought we three were asleep, me, Ty, and Quee. Why'd you have to leave? You said you wanted bigger and better things, but what's bigger or better than your family?

Other Stories


The First Zap: Through the Eyes of One Who Was an Aisha
"I didn't get a raise. Sorry to rain on your parade. But you just might be able to get that new paint job," she says.

by alex37373


The Color Purple
I smile as I enter my new neohome for the first time, bearing great news for my neopets.

by chzhex


The Fate of Dust and Fire: Part One
"What can I do for you?" she repeated, still patient as always. She could wait. The mad ones had the most to offer her.

by macana


Jhudora's Revenge: Part Three
"I heard that Lady Tenebrae has been appointed as a council member of Altador."

by carrot_cake116


A Perfect Day
Lucky me.

Idea by pseudo_philosopher

by cevierakasky


Gum Problem
Be careful with what you eat!

by arisuw

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