Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 191,275,577 Issue: 599 | 14th day of Relaxing, Y15
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Summer Trends - A Customizer's Guide

Summer wardrobe must haves!

by ladyailsa
Quintessential Quiggles

A list of the top 10 famous Quiggles on Neopets.

by quiggles_r_kewl_1
Nova Defender Guide Part I: The Basics

Throngs of metal, mechanical Novas, far as the eye can see. They swarm through space, eerily silent...

by holy_dragon_fire132
The Fun of Collecting

There are a lot of things in Neopia to collect.

Also by 2look84

by 1engel

Dear Breezy: The "Obelisk Skirmishes" Response

I am by nature a Seeker. As such, Neopians sometimes ask me to explain the extraordinary events they encounter in the many fascinating worlds of Neopia. One recent question in particular comes to mind.

by raerleetintinabulous
Seasonal Foods of Neopia: Vegetables

If you're a health nut like me, you know that fruits and vegetables are very important in your diet.

by blessed_faerie
99+ Problems & They're All Lenny Conundrums (Part 1)

In honor of the upcoming 500th Lenny Conundrum, we will walk you through the solutions to all of the puzzles from the past two years.

Also by sacados

by minnesotan

Breakfast! Eat Like a Champion Today

It's hardly 7 NST, but already dozens of players are getting ready here in the locker rooms, and the spectators' chatter above is growing in volume as they take their seats. "How are they all so energized when the sun hasn't even come up yet?" you're probably thinking.

by mojoschweni
An Interview with Ethel Boortz

It's a very busy time of year for you athletes! Tell me, how do you relax in the midst of all the activity?

by littlemouse_rbd
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"Too Hot to Handle" by dr0pz
"It'll just be a quick interview, very general questions, no curveballs today." The primly-dressed news reporter Shoyru grinned, exposing every single one of her pearly, camera-ready teeth. "Aldric? Are you listening? Does that work?" Her clicking pen snapped the Kougra snapped out of his nerves-induced daze. Every year, every Altador Cup...

Other Stories


Crystalline Cracks
Kat stood at the top of the bluff, her torn and ragged cloak swirling out from behind her on the evening breeze...

by treihaven


Too Hot to Handle
"It'll just be a quick interview, very general questions, no curveballs today." The primly-dressed news reporter Shoyru grinned...

by dr0pz


A Pirate's Tale: Dark Lullaby - Part One
Leglus felt like he'd been swimming for days. Xweetoks, he decided, pirate or not, were just not made to swim...

by kandeegrrl


The Tree of Pillar Grove: Part One
It all started with a bang.

Specifically, the bang that followed the malfunctioning of a machine somewhere in the apartment...

by blueys45


Jub, Jub, and Away!
Next year we'll skip the balloons.

by iluvfyora896


Squid Slippers
But I like being a Ruki!

by cosmicfire918

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