You may’ve noticed something new and wonderful happening. Perhaps you’re on your way to your shop for the day, or maybe you’re off to catch that first plane to Faerieland. Whatever the case, you can sense, and see, that holiday spirit is making its way through Neopia...
A Kinda Cliched Christmas "Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell hop!
Jingly-jing, jing. Jingly jing! Jingle, and jungle, and hoppin' around! Now
you're dancing to the jingly sound!"
Dr. Sloth’s Big, Bad, Christmas Heist "And by pretending to be Santa Claus… well… let's just
say that there's more than 4000 pets out there with homes… and I'm sure they
have a Neopoint or two to spare for good old Slothy…"
Why Having a Gallery is Great! Items sitting in your shop priced at 250,000NPs that people could see,
not buy. Sounds ridiculous to some of you? Well, galleries are wonderful and great
for numerous reasons.
One Angry Kyrii: Part Two "Uhh, hi," Hawkins spoke into the little hole
at the bottom of the window, announcing his presence. "I'm here to see Doctor
A Complete Christmas: Part One Andrea was never a born writer. Indeed, never
in her entire life had she written a decent piece of work. Somehow she just
couldn't, even if she tried every single way to...