Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 93,823,843 Issue: 183 | 26th day of Running, Y7
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It's All About ME!

Trick or treat! Erm…too early?

by detective_edogawa
Hot Muffins

Something Has Happened...

by dragunwingz
T3h Praedius

Loyal and trustworthy?

by arttimo
Mootix Madness

Not too bright...

by leoness
Lenny Laughs

You'll laugh so hard when you read this!

by deominic
Grundo Stix #2

It's all about respect and control...

by anikajinn
Neopian Mishaps

The Lab Ray isn't for all Neopets...

Also by maivry

by sunset_rose285

High Five!

I got another avatar!

by goldchocobo21
Zaffia's Days #2

A small snack for Green...

by megawolf77
Stuck With Me

What's Sloth up to?

by stxjimmy
Meridell - The Book of Stability

Wasted food is bad... : (

by void_walker
Faerie Woes

Woe #8: Bad Reputations

by roller_coaster26
Tiki Trouble!

Who says swimgear ISN'T cool?

by zaffylover
Bombarding Chias

I don’t think it is a coincidence...

by confuzerated
Great Days at the Neopets Cafe

"Bad Food"

by the_arkenstone
Lenny Sack

Some battledome research is more fun with a friend... and a camera.

by ickessler
Today in Neopia

An apple a day...

by eyeslikestars
Plumops the Grundo

Must be cursed or something...

by kleines_monster
A Very Stuffed Abode

Am I seeing things?

Art by erratic_abnormality

by 0523ck

The Adventures of El Picklesaur Plushie

When Neopia is in trouble who is there to save the day?...El Picklesaur Plushie!

by dragonball_queen
Life with Sparkalar

"Eye Candy"

by nestly2552chi
Search the Neopian Times


"The Jigsaw Puzzle" by nariko_gin
He blew off the rest of the dust that had collected on the top of the box. Now that all the grime had been cleared away Thyme could see the package better. There wasn't much to look at. The image on the box had been scraped off...

Other Stories


The Great Easter Treasure Hunt
I stopped my train of thoughts and started another one, reminding myself that it was actually Easter today. Easter meant Neggs...

by shadowcristal


Meuka - True Past Unveiled
"Wherever you are, I will find you, and help you," Miika said bravely though the bravery was not his own. It seemed miraculous that Miika was going to look for somebody when he had just heard such a terrible cry in the middle of a forest, late at night.

by shadowninjawarrior


NNLHT: Dental Hygiene
My job is to teach you, the reader, how to make sure your pets properly brush their teeth. I will teach you everything you need to know.

by go_girls_2003_twin


Petpet Examiner
Today, we are examining a horned, flying masterpiece – the Bartamus. I will go through several points about them, and by the end you should have a pretty good idea about how they look, act, and much more.

by chokato_tree


Escape Artists: Part One
"Good morning," yawned the Skeith. "Did they ever get that lunatic last night into a cage?"

by moosuem


Awakening - Part Four
Yubioke didn't care half a copper coin if Whelp was carrying a sword. After all, it was very rusty and unable to really hurt anything.

by smurfafied1800

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