Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 106,046,831 Issue: 211 | 7th day of Collecting, Y7
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Soup Bowl

I know you want to try some!

by plaquenil
Good, Bad, and Horribly Wrong

The whole of Neopia will tremble at my hooves.

by windmil
Maximus Insanitus

Why is there water in the "desert-ed" palace?!

by hehe041578
Splodge - Beauty in the Ear of the Beholder...

Sooo cute!

by scribble
Fond Memories: One "Lucky" Wheel

Not QUITE the prize I was after... x_x

by prettyprincesslady54
Portable Kilns are NOT Toys!!

Uneducated pets should not wield this powerful weapon!

by bobo36000

The worst dream ever...

by placid_nightmare
Baby food

Are you sure it's fit for babies?

by tehhotbird
Temple of 1000 pets


by icefoxer
Maths Nightmare - Upgraded

I think I'm going to need a bigger calculator...

by archangellight
Sound Effects

Not all weapons are recommended for everyone...

by white_draigon

*sneak sneak*

Also by naasyu

by seel24

All Ears

Place dubloons here.

by tdyans

I'll see if I can fix it fer ya!

by 5tnt
Gone Fishing

All the joys of underwater fishing.

by kuro_eagle
Scholarly Thoughts

Who knew that knowledge could be so funny!

by philandrew
Mootix Madness - We Have A Winner! Pt. 1


by leoness
Stardeath & Stardeath #1: "Temple of the 1,000 Tombs"

Why can't you ever listen to me...

by stardeath2600
When Coconuts Go Bad...

Fun at the beach!

by buddy__blankies
Neopian Circumstances

When Boochi attacks...

Also written by cateeroo

by nefily

Don't Even Ask - Meepit vs Feepit

So... we meet again.

by sarahreye
Cracked Up - Island Chef

I need a new nose pin.

by cnegri33
The Swamp Ghoul

You were saying?

by zelda2222
It All Boils Down to...

We just can't help it...

by clep_web
And the Meepits Outgrabe

Blah blah blah blah...

by kittylin
I Can't Hear Myself Think!

I need to find the volume control to my mind!

Art by tiger_tabby

by patjade

Reality Check

Don't judge a person by their looks.

by xx_freaky_xx
Being Evil Isn't Easy

Being evil JUST isn't easy anymore *sighs*

by chibi_zoo

"Meerca Chase"

by iluvdrawing
Trainer's Job

Catch the ball!

by darkadoom
Tiger Farm

Why it's not good to farm Petpets!

by goldchocobo21
Twin brothers

Hey, you know Punchbag Bob?

by ssjelitegirl
Qnde & Szoo: Speak Tyrannian!

Tyrannian is not an easy language...

by shubi5

The downfalls of having clouds as flooring...

by disturbeded_banana
Bad Carma

Some battledome challenges just shouldn't happen this way...

by armadi
Squirrilia's Pages: Petpet Delights

Dear Diary...

by accasperberry3
A Spooky Halloween, part 1

The Pant Devil attacks!

by ghostkomorichu
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SDB: Parting is Grief

Picture this: You’re standing in front of a towering, gray vault. As the lock twists open, you take a step back. The door swings and a mountain of old junk and new junk starts to fall, toppling from the peak of the vault until you’re able to swim in it. Surrounding you are old books, toys, food that has probably rotted, petpets, codestones, trading cards...

Other Stories


The Ensorcellator
"Average classes, average lunch--" Blynn was cut off by a sudden cold, wet feeling on her fur. She looked down, aghast, to see that someone had knocked her bottle of cherry juice into her lap. "Average bullies…"

by cosmicfire918


Phelix Gets the Scoop
"I've told you, Phelix," said Principal Skedman, a round looking blue Skeith with an odd mustache, "just because you have that special pass doesn't mean you can just go barging into the teachers' lounge whenever you feel like it." He seemed quite tired of saying this...

by twirlsncurls5


Judge Me Not by My Avatar!
I’ll admit that an Illusen avie does not give the impression of a super faithful evil follower of Sloth, but, as I’m trying to say, we shouldn’t be using avatars to judge people!

by azellica


Tash's Role Playing 101
When done properly, Role Playing can be an exciting and creative game that can let you be anyone and do anything! There is a Neopets board for Role Playing, and if you go there and look at some of the topics, you will find the possibilities to be endless.

by tashni


Never Wish to Fly: Part Three
The island was now close enough to land on, but despite her sore wings, Glia couldn't help but show off to the bystanders on the beach. She did a couple of twists and flips in the air. She stopped paying attention and nearly had a nasty collision with the ground in front of Neopia's arcade...

by puppy200010


Ummagine: Part Two
The Kyrii knew he could be kicked out at any moment, so he hurried to take a look around the room. The floor and the walls were strewn with Ummagines, all shining beautifully purple. Even the ceiling was adorned with some of those fruits...

by shadowcristal

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