"Peas and Carrots: the Zebinator" by costa_rican_girl This giant mechanical Zebie-shaped robot was just the beginning of Phloosh and Zebie's horrific plan of complete power over Neopia and its inhabitants. "When I release this baby," Phloosh told Zebie, "we shall rule over all of Neopia, you and I. I shall be KING!"
Meti and the Perfect Gift At the end of this road sat a small hut right
on the corner of the sand, and one of the windows cast soft reflected glow,
gold in tone, onto the ground below...
12 Pains of Christmas Waiting in lines is one of the biggest pains. You get a present,
then you must wait in a 10 hour line. When it’s finally your turn, the store
closes! Man!
Coming Down Your Chimney Warning: Proceeding to read and act upon the statements and directions
made further in this article could cause you to be put on the naughty list for
years to come...
The Guitarist: Part Two "Break a leg, guys!" Henry shouted to us. Mupper
and I beamed at him confidently, but Johnson only gave our drummer a weak smile...