"Hidden Sister" by _jadestorm_ My heart skipped as the bag of one million Neopoints landed in my blue paw. This could pay for a lot. The Petpets I wanted, the furniture Aileen coveted, a years worth of codestones for Maureen... My paws couldn't close over the Neopoints. They were frozen solid. Aileen laughed...
Of Rainy Days and Board Games The commanders stared at each other stone faced
across the battlefield. The biggest war in all of Neopia was starting at my dining
room table...
Is There Really Only One Moon In Neopia? If you will notice on
the world map you can see the moon Kreludor, which is supposedly the only moon
here, but if you go to Meridell and go to Darigan's floating city, you see a second
moon floating in the distance.
Sleeping Beauty: Part Seven "Leave me alone, Sparkle," I mumbled to the Royal
Gelert standing in the doorway. "Why are you waking me up on a Saturday, anyway?"