Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 182,656,530 Issue: 231 | 16th day of Running, Y8
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Dangerous Living

Being a librarian is...

by citadell
Notions and Nonsense

Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.

Art by meganium94

by patjade

When Life Gives You...

Thanks for completing my quest, little pet!

by ssjelitegirl

Loud Introductions...

by chibikatza
Zeh Cute One: Kittenlap

A yarn ball can provide hours of amusement for a young pet.

by glowing_banana
Balthazar Blues

You are getting sleepy...

Art by jjjellybean121

by boundah



by greysun189
Petpet Perils: Mistaken Identity

Oh no!

by velveteen

Better luck next time!

by ghostkomorichu

What do you call a scared Grarrl?

by ejwarrior08
The Most Annoying Thing that Could Ever Happen to You

The most annoying comic you will ever read!

by 900duckling
Veggies, Anyone?

Scientists all over Neopia have been puzzled...

by medli20
Life with Sparkalar

Sparkalar: I don't like Sloth...

by nestly2552chi
Bad Puns Unite

I should have known...

by wify
Fuzzy Issues

Instant Meepit: An accident just waiting to happen...

by loves2rollerblade
Cruel Life

Somewhere, high above Neopia...

by greennitro
Irony Cafe

He'll get his just desserts.

by ahm6190
Mouth of Treasures

Ohhh how cute.

by destination_180
Neopian Neophyte

HOW do you keep finding me?!

by leedom111
To Zap or Not to Zap


by k_aren_z
That's Just Not Right


by anjie
Bath Time

I told you not to give me a bath!

Idea by fillin

by richnangela005

State of Oddity

Trouble with a petpet... or an owner?

by neemoose
Si and Lur

"Uh... hey, what's with Swift..."

by tiscola
Visit to the Snowager

Dedicated to the Snowager.

by sakurita86
Flarisal's Comic Life: Finding a Petpet

"I wonder if there are any good petpets..."

by akress
Aisha Groove

The Neopets Team is always right!

by discokitten
Weird Things Happen

Not all goals can be reached...

by latonya254
Don't Even Ask - The Painter

Almost done...

Idea by kay_siay

by sarahreye

Two Brothers

Trouble with petpets...

by nuranna020
Petpetpet Morals

One fine day at a game of Mootix Drop...

by isaiahdjkim

Tourists- they have no respect for a sleeping faerie. So many time zones play neo- the crowd may be there a while!

by twilightdestinymai
A Gifted Petpet

This Usul should've just saved her money.

by liquiddragonn
Mad Life!

Can it be?! Is it?! Yes...

by mittens_cute

Something has happened!

by obviousfakename
Visit Altador today!

It's all the rage.

by meiastar
Sibling Rivalry

The green green grass...

by evilpuppyangel
Who Knew?

Jhudora honors her with a special place on her shelf. Who knew Jhudora actually likes Illusen?

by peri0neo
Wanna go Camouflage?

Just when you though it was safe to use a Camouflage Paint Brush...

by pixiepuff
Evil Feepit

The joy of being Clay! *can you read the irony?*

by fmoura_98
Pirate Tales

The story begins...

by ajaxs50


by a_random_user
Humorously Deformed

Creating a Neopet isn't as easy as it sounds...

by zenzika


by respects
Gelert Day

Wow, a new darigan gelert!

by masked_acorn
Zuru Zuru

'Just when you thought it was a peaceful morning...'

Also by chibi_zoo

by mewtru

N00bsy and the N00b Crew

"The Life Store"--Coming soon to Altador!

by master_of_the_n00bs
Mute - Problems of the Faeries

Well, there's always the free cheese.

by pismouse
Slorg and a Half


by warrior20012
Lucky Tooth

Indeed it can happen...

Art by rins_winter

by firegirldesigns

Insanity Management

ANOTHER pet rock joke?!

by neon_neoni
The Pink Cloud


by racoony
LAG - Deal with the Wheel


Drawn by darkdragon_slayer

by xlaxed

DM!: Green Apple

And your horoscope for today: If you're a doctor and a green Gelert... stay away from apples.

by fip
Intelligence?... Never heard of it.

Some neopets have an IQ much lower than 'average'...

by _wind__
Tubular Kikos

This comic reveals why Kikos wear bandages...

by horselover5122
The Pant Devil's Advocate

We love TPOSG!!! *fangirls*

by gryffinrose
Jhudora & Illusen: WHATEVER!


by spock_luvr
Illusen Day Present

What gift?

by la_la_lolly_pop
Chibi Pals

Faerie hunting...

by puffibunni
Search the Neopian Times


"Like a Sister to Me" by kindheartedfairy
Adamina slowly packed up her lunch and spell books. She knew her mother had a dislike for that Faerie and could easily guess that was a broad answer, but even she never knew why Illusen hated Jhudora. And that was what she wanted to know. Adamina absentmindedly left Illusen's Glade...

Other Stories


Laughing, we raced after Super. We were going to visit the Turmaculus, to see if he would grant our Petpets a level or give us an item. It was always fun to see if our Petpets could wake him up!

by superhamster6789


The Myncis of the Beach
The only other pets on the beach were four Myncies playing volleyball. They were all different colors, though none of them were painted. Kara watched them from the shallow water...

by sorengylfietwilight


Strategic Shapeshifting
A Brute Force strategy solves the problem in the most direct or obvious way. Thus, you may end up doing more work than while using any other strategy. On the other hand, this strategy is much easier to implement because of its simplicity.

by autoc007


The Terrible Gamers' Guide to Becoming Good at Games
So for all of you who have grumbled, cursed, screamed, and even cried out in frustration at your computer, here are a few ways to get rid of the frustration:

1. Find out what type of games attract you.

by sparklechik90210


The Jackals of Sakhmet II- Finding Lee: Part Five
Cole was just about to get up and go call for help when an unfamiliar paw grabbed his paws and put them behind his back. The other paw held a poison tipped dagger to his throat...

by arrielle5


The Greatest Treasure of All: Part One
Katrina the blue Kacheek sat on a Pink Tile Patio Chair in the yard outside her neohome, leaning back and enjoying the nice weather. She was surrounded by Sillie Daisies happily bobbing in the cool breeze. It was a beautiful, peaceful day. She looked up at the clouds and smiled…

by kacheeklover3579

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