A buzz of excitement is in the air. Hordes of Neopians are walking toward the one, the only, Annual Chocolate Ball. Most are turned away at the door, for they have no invitation (granted only to the best of Neopia) in their paws, hands, or hooves. This reporter has managed to grab an invite from an innocent passerby (it was all in the name of journalism!), and is now standing inside the Chocolate factory...
Outsider Within: Cap'n Barlow "Pirates are the great sea dogs, masters of the briny deep, rebels, fighters for freedom—definitely not tea drinkers..."
The Partnership: Part Three I gave an inward sigh of relief. She pulled it off, I was sure of it. She had a bit of bad grammar, just like I told her, and I think I even spotted a tear forming at the corner of her eye. Not bad...