"Never Trust Your Siblings On Halloween" by rachelindea and nummy_yummy_stuff On Halloween rachelindea and nummy_yummy_stuff The shadow Gelert put on her most innocent face and widest eyes. Then she clambered up into one of the chairs by the table and looked at Jess. "Please?" she said. She had decided at the last moment to put on the innocent smile...
Haunted Graveyard Walking against the strong gusts of wind and in spite of the creepy-looking slimy trees at the entrance, Patch entered the Graveyard...
31 Neopian Ways To Celebrate Halloween If you are one of those who is not content with idle chatter when excitement is accessible, here are some fun suggestions...
The Mutant Prince: Part Four He had tried without success to file down the grotesque black claws that had magically sprouted out of his shapely hands, but the curse had grown the claws back to full size within a mere hour...