"Cold" by reggieman721 The two muffins are still sitting in front of me on that plain blue plate. I stare at them, trying to decide which one to eat. How is a Neopet to know which is better? The choice is before me, and I'm certain that one side is right and the other is wrong... I just can't tell which is which. Keira finishes what she's doing and glances at me. The pink Gelert notices that I still haven't touched either of the muffins...
Story Of My Neofamily There was Vue, then there was Koug, then Cassie, Rus, then topping them all off, Tamsy, creating an unbelievably unstable tower of baby neopets.
The Great Carrot/Floud Experiment I am sharing my findings with you now because I solemnly believe that my research has barely scratched the surface of this mystery...