Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 184,867,923 Issue: 477 | 14th day of Sleeping, Y13
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Exceeding Expectations

Sometimes people will surprise you!

Art by lilyed

by winters_footsteps

A series of comical events: Part 2

Now that you mention it...

by michelle_ou123

Influential Keychain...

by imp_oster

Tastes like Pteri...

by dragon_loyalty
Avatar Pet Woes: The Pink, The Proud

How much popcorn is too much?

by speakforme
Gone Lupey: Feed Florg

Are you suggesting any of this makes sense?

by lioness_of_slytherin
Diary of a Mad Neopian: Feline Fysiks

Here's another installment in the life of a mad Neopian... and her crazy pets!

by strangeperky

Not everyone was made to be tall...

Idea by kingdmge

by boroyan

Usually Not Funny -Spoiled

I am the very best owner.

by girlthehero
The Goofers

If you don't know yet, Xweetoks would just do ANYTHING for jellybeans...

by lintsuf
Ultimate Bulls-

What a pretty fire.

by kevinlin1216
Babies Know Best!

Whoa, a dubloon!

Idea by wolfish_howl

by wolfishmeow

Neopian Neophyte - Tub of Larn

I personally think they're kind of cute and chubby!

by leedom111
odds&friends: cybunny dreams

your wish is my command.

by bartongkillershrimp
More Hardships of...Habitarium P3s Part 1

Seriously, it's not easy being a P3.

by alagfalaswen
Punched Lines

Wasn't that fun?

by campih400
Neopian Antics #7: Reading is a messy ordeal

Always keep a broom handy after reading!

by ahqua
Shades of Grey

You should listen to your neopet, especially if it's smarter than you.

by eloxitoki
Techopalooza: Sparklers

Starting off Year 13 with a bang!

by desert_gp_dragon2oo5
Say Cheese!

Dr. Sloth appears!

Idea by ikspeelvals

by cinnamon_girl

Neopets Phisics Wonders - Pie Fission

Did you know...

by hidden_0_o
Shades and Hues 05

Shattered Purity Arc; Part 1/15

by mstr_dark
Egg Wars Chronicles


by miajune
Sloth's apprentice

Sloth is in for some big trouble!

by rasgirl
Gnorbu Shearing Day

This comic features Star, Lavi, and Kantheon.

by lockednloaded21
Chance of Rain

Maybe some resolutions are best kept to yourself...

by mizumew
Spoofle: Awhh Sweetheart

Aw, you shouldn't have! No, really, you shouldn't have-!!

by caylista
Cheesy Jokes - Sloth Appreciation

Happy Sloth Appreciation Day!

by cheesetwo__ff
Foiled Again: Something has Happened!

So that's what it means...

by xxkatiexx_07
Happy Sloth Appreciation Day?

He has fans?

by djudju22_8
A Dr. Sloth Saturday Story

Dr. Sloth is best, so I made this comic. Enjoy.

by andeee12345
The Bunker - The Makeover (Part 7)

The answer is obvious! Find a patsy (again.)

by hubadawaha
Results May Vary: Mr. Coconut

Doesn't that hurt?

by return_of_itsy
Search the Neopian Times


Neopia Survival Guide

Neopia is not the land of merely Faerie Cakes and Rainbow Lollipops. Welcome to my guide to surviving the evils in this land of ours. I, for one, believe in vigilance at all times. So how does one combat evil? Well, it all starts with your Neohome. Yes, those pretty little Neohomes you made in Faerieland with Uni Wallpaper. What you need is fortification. Make it your New Years Resolution. It will be easier and far more rewarding to keep to as opposed to trying to avoid the Chocolate Factory...

Other Stories


Habitarium Heroes
You are about to read a true story of heroes. First, though, I must set the scene for you.

by therons


Mixa and Tixa
Mixa and Tixa have never gotten along, and in fact, they are almost always fighting, but things can change....

by chestnuttiger787


Habitarium: Let's Rock your Role!
Imagine yourself walking around a pile of grassy land together with little cute critters...

by rheiv_16


The Greatest Mysteries of Neopia
Some questions that will make you think...

by mypetsandi


College Days: A Pirate Adventure - Part Two
The botany teacher, a yellow Ogrin, glanced up casually as Meadowbuck and Horax tip-pawed into the forest clearing that made up his unique classroom. He winked at them and continued his lecture without pause.

by newenglandquizzer


Flashpoint: Part One
Counter-intelligence. It's such a glamorous job.

Also by livvy_granger

by antiaircraft

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