Do you have any idea how much magic energy it takes to maintain an entire city the size of Faerieland floating midair? Well, it takes a lot of energy. Now, given that the faeries have so much in their schedule with Neopians asking for magic potions and employment that they don't even have time to find their own items, wouldn't you agree that it would be more adequate to ease their workload and give them more time and energy? Maybe if they didn't have so much on their...
Friends Before U-Bends Couldn't she have told me that after school then? Still, that was just how Sarah worked, so I patiently waited out the rest of the day.
What Should You Write For the Times Do you love to write but don't know how you can make your normal writing relate to Neopia? Get constant writer's block? Want to write but don't have any ideas? Then this quiz is for you!