Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 184,867,923 Issue: 483 | 25th day of Awakening, Y13
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Shades and Hues 11

Shattered Purity Arc; Part 7/15

by mstr_dark
Wrath of the Snowager?

"That's what we get for living in Terror Mountain."

by djudju22_8
My Tyrannian Doglefox

Look what I found!

by evaniab

Them Guhnorbus are fluffeh.

by jarm9
Random Oddness

Dartenne, a liar? Never.

by mistyqee
Kiochi - Neoschool

Why Neoschool doesn't exist...

by chibino
Second-hand Clothing? Anyone?

Well, there's your problem...

by averique

Don't insult the plushie~

by snowstorm4444
Ancient History

Two modern neopets discover some ancient Neopian art!

Written by heartxbreaker

by zbcrazy14

Turmac Shortage

Ever since Turmaculus moved here...

Idea by frankie8492

by lilyed

I'm In a Nest


by scoobydooduu
Chance of Rain

Still makes me wonder how they're even able to carry the neopoints away.

by mizumew
Naptime in the Snowager's Lair

This is what happens when a Kacheek takes a nap instead of running away in the Snowager's lair! :)

by rewindness
The Life of a P3 Observer...

She makes that face every time...

Also by flyingcloudgurl88

by teleplay

(mini) Cloak and Dagger

Featuring Rowan the morkou, Ronnette the juma, Crystal the kepru and Rory the (annoying) gruslen

by laser_fire
Accidental Flukes: The Wise Old King

I'm waaaay older than you, kiddo.

by makeitawish_x
The Roleplay Cafe: Hero

It takes more than having an iron stomach to be a hero. Really! u_u

by purrfect_cookie
Size is Everything

Hee hee hee!

Concept by kulasjeika

by dragonsflame_uk

Academese #3: Chip's Intro

But he IS a freshman...

by prismfire
Boulder Box

Vocabulary problems

by snackbox
Story of my Life ~ Travels

Finding the right place is hard...

by aquaventusterra
The Almost Abandoned *click!*

3... 2... 1...

by rythiel

Actually, I just got a cookbook...

by maniac_road
More Hardships of... Habitarium P3s Part 7

After a while, it gets rather stale...

by alagfalaswen
Time Wasters - Barber Shop

Remember to always pay attention to your barber's colour!

by buppity
Wheel of Excitement Mystery Prize

I wonder what happened...

by hamtaro4ever2
Squids and Such

Ever wondered why you never catch anything good while fishing?

by thebusterbell
Naptime #1

Submission admission?

by sleepywalnut
Neopian Anomaly, Part 5

Thanks a LOT, Kelehi. Now we're DOOMED.

by lizica166
Any Job Will Do - Part 01

Y'worry too much, Boss...

by crainwater
Bori Tales

Nothing says cool like Valentine's Day.

by goofy_teen
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"The Tragic Tales that Inspired Recent Paint Colors" by jlp2q
Ever since their owner had adopted Anna, Peter just didn't know if he fit in with this family anymore. Anna got to visit the lab ray every day, and she was given new petpets as soon as they earned another avatar. Not that Peter wanted a new petpet; he loved his (zapped) Maraquan Snowickle very much. Still, it was...

Other Stories


Robotic by the Lab Ray
The mad scientist positioned his ray, and Kira closed her eyes.


by sapphirekira


"Good. 201, I am going to trial the happiness program. Prepare for installation."

by thorndove


A Guide: Which avatar should I use?
Not having just the right avatar can pose an actual problem while you are formulating your posts...

by muslim


Key Quest's Delicious Sweets and Guides!
A quick guide to the Sweets board based only on tokens alignment!

by sportsandmusic69


Oh No, Not Again...: Part One
Quitting your job without any idea where you're going to work afterward is really stupid.

by fuzzymonkey31


The Chocolate Cake: Part Two
"Who would choose a healthy vegetarian not-allowed-chocolate Quiggle like me over a funny, smart, awesome chef like you? Really, Brianna, really?"

by sakura_blossom77

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