Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 186,134,553 Issue: 486 | 18th day of Running, Y13
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Shades and Hues 14

Shattered Purity Arc; Part 10/15

by mstr_dark
More Hardships of... Habitarium P3s Part 10

Ooh, real scary...

by alagfalaswen
Neopian Anomaly, Part 8

Walk towards the light! ...Wait. Unless it's torchlight. That could end badly.

by lizica166
The Off Season: Falling

Always look on the bright side of life...

by desert_gp_dragon2oo5
Recipe for Disaster #11


by prismfire
It's a Bug's Life

Thank you, Captain Obvious.

by silvergullmon77
Faerie Quests

The next day, the Water Faerie gave me a quest. She wanted a book called Dont Bug Me.

by goodsigns
The Floating Islanders- Snowager's Wrath

It'th thtuck!!

by yankeesrule244444456

Lucky you!

by skutterbotched
I Mustache This Question...

But perhaps I should shave it for later.

by astrologists
The Madness of Faerie Questing

You have a new quest!

by sakura02271
(Un)common Sense - Illusen Edition


Art by soccergirl101397

by kuroge


I just want the avatar...

by campih400
Color Scale

Not the brightest Grundo chef in the galaxy...

by acdcer

Never leave them alone. EVER.

by littlepuffypuff

Can't a Korbat get some peace and quiet?

by ghostkomorichu
The Many Wonders of Neopia: The Lever of Doom

Did you ever wonder what the Lever of Doom's purpose is?

by corynla
The Kadoatery - Thanks for Doing a Good Deed!

An average day at the kadoatery takes an unexpected turn.

by sweetangel1927

DUCKS are Draik Unconverted or Krawks. I wish I didn't know :)

by cho_bit
The Garbage in the Correct Place

It's important. D=

by wally64
True Tales from Neopia

A viable strategy, though less successful over time...

by lil_jen_aside
The Return Of Nox?

Nox, you're alive!?!

by dachshundlover13
Any Job Will Do - Part 04

In which Neopoints make the world go round.

by crainwater
Are Meepits Really Evil?

Are Meepits really as evil as those pesky Kads?

by prototypec
Ilusen's Revenge

Yay flowers!

by koshka__65
3 Royals plus 1

I don't think Illusen is that kind of faerie at all!

by white_tiger0226
Faeries and Their Issues

The Happiness Faerie's Drop of Happiness is not a real quest! :P

Idea by thecrazyoo

by mudiikip

For Oil and Cakes

For your quest #17, please get me...

Idea by sfacvr

by repulsives

Finding Illusen


by ashley_golf_4ever
ice dice - "Daily Dare"

One more try...

by icecradle
Knowing Illusen

An Illusen's Day Special

Concept by sarcasticdeath

by vampirebunny18

The Life of Aye! - 5 - Fetcher of Desires

An Illusen Day Special!

Idea by pandora

by xwindswept

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"Wilma and Raina" by boscoemax
Taking a deep breath, she stepped back into the place. Shop after shop, she entered the books section, only to be fruitless. She was shocked. Surely such a book cannot be that rare to stock! Wilma had even read the book herself; it wasn't too hard to find. But somehow that day it was evading her. For two hours she roamed the shops, looking aimlessly for the book. She grew exhausted, but persisted. I can't let a faerie down, she told herself...

Other Stories


The Gift
What irritated Seth was that everyone was probably writing about how insane Xandra was, too.

But he could really see what she was getting at.

by its_green


Dr. Wilbur's Fantastic and Grand Illusen Day Adventure
Once again, dear fan, I have picked up my priceless gilded quill to regale you with another tale of courage and selflessness.

by shadyy15


Illusen's Favourite Things
Greetings, my fellow Neopians! It is that time of year again, when all of Neopia gathers to honour me and celebrate my many wondrous charms!

by fancifully


A Breakthrough in Neopian Archaeology
Proposing tentative, half-baked theories about things that happened long ago. This is what archaeology is all about.

by anthropologist


The Citadel Quest: Part One
It started out small at first. Just a tiny tickle in the throat, hardly noticeable. But now, Senhal lay in bed, delirious from fever, fighting for his life.

by peirigill


Aria of the Aeons: Part Three
"Get out of my mind," Az said calmly, staring up at high, wispy, clouds. "You don't belong there."

by kittengriffin

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