Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 187,887,734 Issue: 508 | 19th day of Hiding, Y13
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Saly's Club: Woodland issues

How about organic Shampoo?

by djudju22_8
Edna's Quest #8 - Stingy Much?!

Yes, this is a personal rant...

by toffeedatepudding
Weewoo Woes

TNT should stop treating the weewoos so badly.

Art by alliieennss

by vegasroom

Kougra Stories- Looking for a job 3/9

Yoshiko and Sorami are looking for a job; will they get one?

by tachiki
Dandilion Tails in 'Don't annoy the Boss'

Watch your mouth, Khaspier...

by dandilion_crucifix
S'more paintbrushes, please!

Just one PB away from the best summer treats! (No neopets were harmed in the making of this comic.)

Concept by brahski

by umbreon133

Peaches #5: The Restocker's Woe (2)

No pain, no gain!

by jenniferji
A Gaggle of Gobblers: Bowla

The Bowla can suck in water and grow to 10 times its normal size before squirting it all at anything that is near.

by fireandice92
Illusen's Revenge

Never mess with a faerie.

Idea by __rayman__

by sheik_93


There are some things you just shouldn't ask.

by nausicaa1992
Faerie Bubbles

My storage is full.

by flamingoez
Being Plushie

It's not easy being a plushie!

by prototypec
Tangeriiine's Birthday #2

It's my birthday!

by mistyqee
So Says the Slorg!

I'd almost feel sorry for him, if he wasn't evil.

by supercheezee
When Lightning Strikes

Lightning's a bad babysitter.

by briannamkekich
Flapjacks - Gardening

She certainly isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

by geckobubbles
Silly Kougra

Who is that cowled creature?!

by perdita136
Something has happened!

Gotta stay in shape for next year's AC!

by campih400
The Clouds

The lab ray tries really hard to make things interesting.

by sweet08540
The Goofers - Baby Problem, part 2

What has the horrendous Boochi done???

by lintsuf
Bacon Trap

Whilst playing Habitarium, I found it rather funny that p3s can't navigate around or over bacon, or anything else.

by grimagog1971

Intro: Part 1

by neo_coaster363
The Joys of Neopian Errands

It's like they're rigged, I swear!

by guinnygirl
Neopian Antics #13: The Kreludor Deal

Everything's better in space. Maybe.

by ahqua
Wx2 WhispyWill

How ironic...

by whisp_will
In the Name of Science

Shareholder meetings are the #1 place to announce evil plans!

by lombre

Random Events are Random.

by hidden_sapphire
Badly Drawn Pets - Smiley Dancing

Overuse of Neo-Smilies is sometimes plain confusing...

by digit2000


by flying_tree
Edible Nonsense~ 1

Don't throw stones when you live in a glass house...

by tic2tac
Neopian Hoarders

Sad, really.

by skyward_rush
Your Average Family: Oops...

One Pile of Soot makes for one very dirty neohome!

by smartgirll
Flower Bed

Funny, I didn't even know I owned that skirt.

by awesome_maggie
As You Were - Part 01

Please transmit the clearance code.

by crainwater
Usuki Frenzy Finds Krawk Island - 3 out of 3

Where even dark villains can be helpful with searching.

by natsha_pink

Another normal day...

by c4774r3
The Treasure Keepers

Why can't I get customers that BUY SOMETHING?

by purrfect_cookie
Neomischief - Fixing Krawk Island

This is how our hero fixes the island so it looks good as new!

by tails230
Pumpkin Patch

She is the odd one...

by _owlsong_
The Floating Islanders - Krawk Island

Remind me again why we're shooting cannons at such close proximity to the anchors.

by yankeesrule244444456
Too bad...

...dead men tell no tales...

by greenflavouredink
The Kadventures of Olly and Ninth: Krawken

Oh look! A small giant squid!

Also by 0llyness :D

by __ninth_gate__

Search the Neopian Times


"A Day in the Life of a Larnikin Soldier" by 1335512
I can barely keep my eyes open anymore. I don't know how much walking I could do between all these purple gems anyway. But wait! Yay! My owner just put me and the other Larnikin soldiers in the hospital and collected the gems. Oooh, that feels really good. They've got the most comfy beds in here, and really scrumptious food. Some mornings I wish I could...

Other Stories


Floating is the First Step
Lying in the water, watching the sky... It calms me—until my little sister does what she does best and ruins the moment.

by vortex_paula2


Ellis, Rhombus, and I were wandering aimlessly through Shenkuu. Though the city is breathtaking and idyllic, it's huge. We were lost.

by virtuosoe


Noble Gaming
What about those of us who don't play for a hundred pixels, but for a couple hundred thousand Neopoints?

by _abiz_


Ink Frames and How to Style Them
The four ink frames and what they look best on, as well as alternative foregrounds. :3

by movie138music


A Pirate Called Pudgywinks: Part Three
"He's just a little kid, he couldn't have gotten far!" Lilly said. "Come on, let's go look for him!"

by uberdancingdolphin


Thyla's Tale: Part Two
"Oh, sweetie, I know," said the girl. "That's hard. But I can only adopt one, and... and let's face it. You probably won't get adopted together anyway."

by chestnuttiger787

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