Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 187,658,734 Issue: 524 | 9th day of Celebrating, Y13
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Hero For a Day 6/6

A good warrior always cleans the battlefield after a fight!

by djudju22_8
Lame Pun Presents: Holiday Happenstance (part 9)

Coffee Break

by blackaavar
Random Oddness

Starring Taelia, the man-faerie.

by mistyqee
Kadoatie Tails - Labbin' It!

When a Kadoatie's incessant crying becomes too much...

Idea by sylviau

by partialtobananabread

The Krawken

That book again?

Idea by centrifugeuse

by airlineer

A Bob's Day

It's not a good thing to be a punchbag.

Also by shayn_

by analogie

The New House

Don't you just love our new house?

by wolfspirit200179
Muckla and the Snowy Case - part 4

Don't ever question a meepit. Don't even question if you may question them. They have drag-away-victim skills.

by lovisa966
Blechy - A Winter's Tale

Dreaming of a white Christmas...

by sheik_93
Wraith! This Won't Hurt At All!

My pet's been a little worried about how much I think about the wraith pb lately (ALL the time). This one is for them.

by odalisq
Sanity Optional

Do petpets have genders?

by kirara_twotail
What to do - Feed Thy Pet!

Should have brought food instead of gifts.

by kelementchan
The Chocolate Factory

Death by chocolate isn't that bad a way to go, however.

Art by awesome_maggie

by patjade

Negg Sandwich

Are those... someone's dentures!?

by bubblegoldfish
Neopian Neophyte - Strange Jobs

The economy *must* be pretty bad.

by leedom111
Food for Thought

In a Lupe's mind, they're all tasty.

by akierasu

Maybe he should've ordered a small set of contact lenses as well...

by lindanoosu
Neopet Comics

Sometimes ones and zeroes arrange themselves to form pictures of Lupes and things!

by lil_jen_aside
Kougra Stories - Looking For a Job 8/9

Yoshiko and Sorami are looking for a job; will they get one?

by tachiki
The Tales of DUCK3YZ

Slorgs are afraid of Zombies.

by christineosaurus

The main reason why you shouldn't bring a Water pet to the Lost Desert.

by cuku1902
Keep It Cool #1: Achyfi

Achyfi is so not cool...

by jeanandthen9
How Nifty~

Close enough!

by kirimiso
sanity ltd

Taoris helps Ellia to bake a delicious cake.

by thunderlight314
More Hardships of... Habitarium P3s 17

Sometimes, all it takes a creative solution.

by alagfalaswen
That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles

No Draiks were undeservingly harmed in the making of this comic.

by pikemaster1
Sketch Borovan Holiday Special 1 of 3

Can it be... the elusive Nabile plushie?!

by izzywizard
Christmas at Home

In this house, we aren't happy about holidays. Except for maybe one Neopet.

by bluestarsnowfall16
Search for the Wishing Well

Wait, did somebody say Wishing Well?! *floods the editorial submissions*

by serebii251
What Happened with Neopia?

We still love you, Lulu!

by mudiikip
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Wearables For Babies

Back in Issue 506, I wrote an article that mentioned my top ten wearables for babies. However, since I wrote that article, I found so many more wearables that fit our lovely Baby pets, and so I'm creating a Part Two to my original list, with ten more wearables, both NP and NC, that work well with these adorable Babies. Of course, like with my last...

Other Stories


Prisoner of Stitches
I sat on a tidy shelf, staring straight ahead with unblinking blue eyes. I could not turn to look at the plushies next to me, but I knew what they were.

by potatoobsessed


Meepit Juice Headache
The meepits appear to be climbing a tree! You run outside and watch in horror as the meepits all climb, spread out around the tree chanting for their juice.

by faeirian


Colors and Fitting Decorations for Wockies
Seven colors to make your Wocky look attractive.

by gemini3862


Top 10 Locations to Build Your Neohome
With 19 locations across Neopia to choose from, deciding on the perfect place to settle down with your Neopets can be a difficult decision.

by mercy_angel


The Search for a Home and a Friend: Part Two
Spike woke up to the sound of a pan sizzling. He walked to what seemed like a kitchen and saw Jason cooking omelets.

"Good morning! We're going to be eating these on the go. We need to find you a petpet," Jason said.

by hannahcreep


To The Rescue?: Part One
This just in! Reports of missing petpets are everywhere, starting in Neopia Central and all across to Tyrannia!

by luna4400

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