Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 188,472,088 Issue: 535 | 9th day of Running, Y14
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Dice-A-Roo # 7 - Subliminal Messages

Or not-so-subliminal messages, really.

by toffeedatepudding
Sassi Comics: Hired!

Part 2/2

by seiya_from_ashes

Things you should know about Usuls.

by fressed
Oh Em Gee, I'm MSP

Dice-a-roo is a really UNnecessary evil. :K

by shamaela
Random Oddness

Sick? Keep calm and carry on doing dailies!

by mistyqee
Mika's Revenge


by amarillida
*blink, blink*

Meepit doesn't blink. Ever. But are you sure?

by rex041085
Dirty Thief

Sometimes one theft leads to another.

by neonbunny


by neohappy123
Daunded: Glitched

I had my suspicions...

by o0aeris0o
Boulder Box

High expectation problems

by snackbox
Saly's Club: Tricks

The fourth wall strikes again!

by djudju22_8
Kadventures of Olly and Ninth: Ninth's Return Part I

Long time no see!

Also by 0llyness

by __ninth_gate__

TWCC: Transformation Part 1

The shady operations of a certain Neohome.

Co-written by deblob5521

by pikemaster1

Dilemmas of an Avatar Collector: Let It Melt!


Idea by pyrochick159904

by cuppatee

Kacheek Tails

Why you shouldn't tease the Snowager.

by gelert_123
Rainbow Fountain Troubles

Some things you just shouldn't do.

by nikipinder

Don't bring a snow pet when building snowmen!

by lilypotter
A Problem with the Petpet Laboratory

A little minor problem with petpet zapping.

by daltoki
Experimental Failure

That lunatic!

Also by ruben160

by linsta


Maybe it's a very engrossing magazine...

by ghostkomorichu
Being Cute

Owners everywhere, don't deny this has happened to you!

by meowkaykay
Spacerocket: First Day at Work

Oh, Space...

by athanasiusagrona
Toaster Strudel - Obvious Answers

Sunglasses make everything cooler.

by signingupso
Peppered Reality: New Guy part 1

Why yes, the artist is regressing to lazy ways.

by rivliex
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Know Your Yooyus

Interested in the Yooyu as a petpet? Here you can learn what their personality is like, their strengths and weaknesses, favourite activities and which of these wonderful creatures would make the best petpet for you. Perhaps now you would want to say, they're all Yooyus; what could possibly be the difference? Then let me tell you now my friend that nothing is ever as simple and straightforward as that with Yooyus. Even the most experienced Altador Cup veterans and long-time Yooyu-owners are still...

Other Stories


The Tale of the Tax Beast
It all started when the Tax Beast was much, much younger...

by team_neville


The Thief And His Sword
It was just as intelligence indicated; one of Neopia's most wanted thieves was spotted in Altador. It looked like the notorious rogue really was staying nearby. The mighty red Grarrl had found his target at last.

by seferet


How to Make Authentic Neopian Recipes at Home
Actually, the "ingredients" for your own Neopian cuisine at home are very simple.

by skyangelkid


Fashion Frenzy: What kind of Customizer are you?
With this simple quiz you, YES, YOU! will be able to determine your styling personality and be on your way to fabulous customizations for your pets (and a cleaner closet).

by katiecoo802


Petpet Adventures: Let It Snow - Part Six
The negg was nowhere in sight, but Tvarla could just make out a side tunnel between two stalagmites that jutted out of the ground, looking for all the world like two pillars guarding a doorway.

by rachelindea


Stooping Low: Part One
A heavy rainfall was drenching the forests. I barely winced from it. Faith was walking beneath my wing, trying to hide from the rain, however...

by ellbot1998

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