Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 194,219,815 Issue: 749 | 16th day of Gathering, Y18
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Blossoms~ Snowball Effect Part 8

Do you think it's going well?

by twillieblossom
Ink: Dark Contrast - Part 3

We're both men of science. We don't need powers. But then, why not let science give you both?

by june_scarlet
Happy Chocolate Da-- ... errrrr

Happy Chocolate Day everyone!

by coerces
Kadoatie Lovin'

Never a dull moment with your brand new Loving Kadoatie!

by starsbc
NeoPaper: Loophole

Why didn't they think of that before?

by mbredboy31
Tales Of Marie #1

Never judge a book by its cover.

by _wet_and_wild_
Detective Alisha: The Missing 7: Part 1

Who could have taken it?

by roxanna203
Packrat Avatar

You sure end up with a lot of stuff once you're done...

by saturncheese
Snowager Hates Me

He's not even born yet!

Also by kevinthinksyourcute

by whssoftball11

An Apple A Day

I thought you said it'd keep the doctor away!

by carrieantonia
A Bit Uncanny: Inventory Issues

Anyone else hoard everything for no reason?

by neon_leaf
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"The Not-So-Great Terror Mountain Expedition" by gumgum101230
Every second we climbed, I wanted to turn back. But I couldn’t let Kyle know that. He was always about adventure: the danger, the risk, the reward. The unknown. Back home on Mystery Island, I never took any risks. I brushed and flossed my teeth every night, I always left way before I had to be anywhere. It was Kyle who always had the crazy ideas. He was the one who convinced me to get a Spotted paint job for a while, and to enroll in the Mystery Island Training School. Now, we were on another adventure-- a pointless adventure with little hope for success. Our adventure began when Kyle burst through the door, into my room. He was panting, but there was a gleam in his eye that told me he had yet another of his crazy plans. He was a yellow Kyrii, and he practically bounced up and down as he spoke. “Al,” He began. “Snowager, Al.” He threw his arms up as if he had just unveiled a mystery of the universe. He collapsed into one of my beanbag chairs while I stared at the floor. “The Snowager?” I repeated dumbly. “YES,” He grinned and raised his eyebrows. “Think about Al, he’s gotta have treasure in there, man! He’s a giant ice… thingy. He has to have treasure! And, here’s the important thing, Al. People go in, and they only grab one thing. One thing, Al! We can go in, and just, like, take as much as we can carry!” I wish I could say I put up more of a fight, but within the hour I was packing a heavy coat, galoshes, and getting tickets for the earliest ship to Terror Mountain. The initial trek was a breeze. “All we have to do,” Kyle had said, “is walk through Happy Valley, climb a small rock wall into the Ice Caves, and make our way through to the Snowager’s Lair.”

Other Stories


Naia and the Maraquan Moehog
The whispered comments, the giggled gossip, the sidelong glances – Naia heard and saw it all. She would love to be bold, to say she didn’t care, but it wasn’t true. It bothered her, at least a little, that the other Faeries didn’t take her job seriously.

by erikakaiser


The Prettiest Peophin
I slowly woke up from my nap, feeling quite content and comfortable. But as I looked around, still half-asleep, I realized something. “Wait, this isn’t my bed!” I thought.

by blackghoulmon


Autumntastic: Top Five Autumn Items - Gardening
Get to know about the top five Autumn items in Neopia!

Also by morifoy

by sosuleaf


A Taste Test on 15 Different Types of Chocolates
What is a better way to start the day of the Annual Chocolate Ball other than having some nice dung chocolates?

by icygirl2005


The Price of Greatness: Part Five
Your head reels as you get sucked through the void. An instant later, you materialise with your flailing companions on what appears to be the main street of a large city. From the dumpy, pastel-bricked cottages and the gaudy high-rises in the distance, you deduce that you have arrived in Neopia Central.

by xxskyisfallingxx


The Spirit of Black Keep: Part Seven
Kass merely stood by, looking utterly confused, while Celice’s jaw was slack with astonishment. “Pharazon—“ she sputtered. “Are you quite sure you know what you’re doing?” He grinned in embarrassment. “I told you already, I’m not quite sure of anything. I’m just doing what feels right instead of waiting around for fear to drive my actions.”

by cosmicfire918

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