Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 117,885,008 Issue: 236 | 21st day of Eating, Y8
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Continued Series

The Jackals of Sakhmet II- Finding Lee: Part Ten

"You little rat! You urchin! I'll have your head for this!" Kasha hissed, shoving Lee to the side and heading for Cole...

by arrielle5
Walk the Plank: Part Seven

The room was still dark. Nothing had moved overnight, although the ship still rocked gently back and forth from the motion of the outside waves...

by puppy200010
Now You See Me, Now You Don't: Part Six

Finally Marigold and Kipper fell down below the Money Tree in Neopia Central, utterly exhausted. "Would you like a free something?" the kindly tree asked with a smile on his face...

by mygoodguild
How The Drenched Came To Be: Part Four

Dread just snickered and rolled her eyes at him. "Don't you think we already took care of your guards? They'll wake to find you back in your bedchamber, probably some time tomorrow..."

by ewagon
Shad and Saura: The Old Neolodge - Part Two

 "This house probably has many secrets to discover," Shad guessed, looking around in the sitting room...

by ssjelitegirl
The Shoyru Tamer: Part Five

"Does Tamer look a little…crazy to you?" Angel asked Duel as Duel sat down next to her...

by dragoncatcher_sammy
The Greatest Treasure of All: Part Six

"Let's just look at the clue," said Katrina, unfolding the silver note from the island kitchen chef...

by kacheeklover3579
A Confusing Conglomeration: Part Four

"Look," said Rocky, "my best friend, practically my only friend, has been captured and could be in mortal danger! And I'm just supposed to wait?!"

by appaloosa500
Return of the Double Agent: Part Four

Following proper work ethics, Cylene wrote it all down, shaking with suppressed mirth...

Also by shadowcristal

by precious_katuch14

Plushie Eaters: Part Three

"Strawberry nova waffles?!" squealed Penelope, sliding into her chair...

by literalluau
Traces of Faeryllium: Part Three

It was still dark outside. Yet another BOOM noise rocked the ground. What in Neopia can be going on? the green Xweetok wondered...

by ee365
Unquenchable: Part Two

The first Draik glared at Ryddle. "Looks like Kass," he muttered. "Mark my words, he'll go the same way."

by haannsolo
The Meepit War: Part Two

"We should first find out what our enemy wants. Since they're too strong for us to actually beat, at least without reinforcements, we need to have a plan of action."

by twenty161
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"Invisible" by star_29791
Lamps were dotted around the shelves, which lined the walls. He could see a bed, well made with several plushies arranged tidily on top of the purple sheets. Then he heard humming and sloshing sounds before a brown paw appeared, just inches from the door...

Other Stories


The Day Spike's Life Changed
Spike gasped as the petpets cried and squeaked in terror...

by esmerulesok


What You Own
I could hear every word, however, and frowned slightly. That was when Mimi made her first mistake...

by peterpuffin1


Now, How About Recycling That Tin Can?
What do we do with all of the worthless things we win and find?

by dragon_challenger


Twenty Terrifying Items of which to Beware
Do you and your pets enjoy taking frightening voyages into the Haunted Woods? Are you fascinated by terrifying items? Do you want to explode every time you come across a cute, cuddly Snowbunny? If so, then you have come to the right article...

by lassie_nikki


Something Has Happened! 2.0
None. Nada. Zip. Ziltch. Guess it's time to buy a new Petpet.

by ravenatore


Why do some pets glow?
Just Power_poni, his petpet Kotton, and (what used to be) my Neohome.

by panther_puma

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