Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 185,143,242 Issue: 493 | 6th day of Hunting, Y13
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Continued Series

The Remnant: Part Eleven

Lockwood suddenly realized that if he chose to fight he was going to lose and that there was nothing he could do about it.

Except... perhaps there was.

by jokerhahaazzz

Aria of the Aeons: Part Ten

It seemed right to fight this final battle with a blade Sloth's own officers had trained him to use.

by kittengriffin
The Prophecy Faeries 3: Linisa's Return - Part Nine

"Whoever you are, you'd better come out right now, before I hex you!" Bernadette called. Five faeries emerged from the tunnel, looking rather terrified.

by alex313
The Squire and the Scholar: Part Five

She remembered how she'd felt as she watched Jeran waving goodbye to her. She'd been so proud of doing something without his help...

by saphira_27
Worlds Apart: Part Seven

"I've barely time to write this. They are coming. I'm writing this with the hope that someone will one day find this and know the truth."

by tanikagillam
The Family Reunion: Part Six

"We're here looking for a pet," I explained. "A blue Gelert – well, maybe he's not blue anymore, who knows..."

by thediractor
Crossed Paths and Blades: Part Five

"Scarblade!" Garin cried in alarm. He grabbed Hannah by arm and pulled her along quickly, breaking into a run.

by medit92
The Knowledge: Part Three

Jennings greeted the teller at the National Neopian.

"What can we help you with today, sir?" she asked.

by herdygerdy

A New Start for Meridell: Part Four

"I can't let this happen again," my mom said slowly. "I refuse to allow those neopets to come back and realize they have nowhere to stay."

by facetiousmind
Lucy Lost: Part Two

I nodded gravely. If that's what it took, then that's what I'd do.

by nurseryteacher28
Princess of Prophecy II: Kalara's Secret - Part Three

Xandra slid off the bench and kneeled on the floor. Her face changed; tears were flooding from those sea-green eyes of hers.

by saeryena
Within the Games: Part Three

"Do you want to come along? I mean, it is a fun place and you've never played a video game in your LIFE! Do you want to try and play one?"

by yoshifan272
Contralto (A Band Geek Series): Part Three

The year-end concert is apparently a big thing at Contralto.

by laurapet131
The Sorceress: Part Three

There was a flash of purple-green light and a scream. Benny started towards the deck, dragging a kicking Shamikatzu behind him.

by stella_123_5
Rebecca's Best Friend: Part Two

I realized that our friendship is now just made up of memories. There is no present friendship with us.

by mannequin_of_jack
Karifki's Beginning: Part Two

"Well, it would depend what your offer was, kid. I'm not gonna take some lame item for your freedom."

by hottie_score06
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"Behind That Sharp Glare" by knannia
The line thinned quickly, and soon all available seats had been taken. Jacqueline sighed and leaned back in her seat; she had to stay in the lobby and make sure no one snuck in to the performance. She began listening as the chattering crowd quieted and she could hear the boom of a Virtu-Mike being spoken into. The play was starting. "Strong voice, but not enough emotion," Jacqueline said quietly to herself, focusing her gaze on the unremarkable ceiling...

Other Stories


The Might of Light
"Legends say that my curse can be broken with the aid of another Uni," he said.

by blackghoulmon


Behind That Sharp Glare
She always appeared as a strict and sharp old school teacher, who didn't approve of kids nowadays.

by knannia


Confessions of a Two Year Old Newbie
After two years on Neopets, I've discovered something. I'm no more advanced than a newbie. Here I confess all.

by dark_little_lady


Interview with Nereid, the Water Faerie
There she is! That’s her, Nereid. Wow! It’s so rare to actually see her.

by stipey33


The Chicken
So that's why... 0.o

by mooglerz


The Right Way
? ? ?

Idea by dogcrazy04140

by 1992jk1995

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