Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 190,988,487 Issue: 588 | 29th day of Running, Y15
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Continued Series

Infinity II: Control - Part Twelve

There wasn't a second wasted before the carriage took off to Central Cavern. After all that happened that day, everyone just wanted to go home.

by blueys45
The Mysteries of Mr. Cuddles: Part Eight

Zillie had heard a howl like that before โ€“ she would remember it anywhere. Werelupes. Close Werelupes.

by saphira_27
Everyone Loves the Undead: Part Six

"People are transforming into monsters, and it's only a matter of time until they get here!"

by herdygerdy
We All Fall Down: Part Seven

Siana was carrying me by the scruff of my neck after a good shot from her stun blaster...

by ellbot1998
Path to Destiny: Part Four

"The name's Sora. Need some help? You look like you're having trouble," she offered calmly.

by dragonwolf8
The Quest!: Part Three

Lunia and Jex had been wandering through the potential dangers of the Haunted Woods...

by anapaula_p55
Song of Silence: Part Four

"What have we got to lose?" Damien said, not voicing his fears from that morning for his daughter's sake.

"Everything," Rosemarie said desperately.

by fields_of_gold

Thief and a Hero: Part Two

Kanrik didn't blink. He just didn't seem to blink. "You know who I am?"

by waifine_1
There Are No How-To Books for Aspiring Ninjas: Part Two

He plopped himself down on a relatively cool rock and rummaged through his backpack for the bottle of water. He pulled it out, then froze. In the flickering light, he could see the angry stare of a dark faerie...

by serissa98
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Grandma Boochi

I discovered that Boochi is no orphan without any ties in Neopia โ€“ something I had foolishly assumed, as it would explain nicely why this tiny Bruce tries to turn others into babies as it would give him new playmates to ease his solitary existence โ€“, but is member of a large family headed by an elderly Bruce whom everybody in the family simply calls Grandma Boochi. It is with great delight...

Other Stories


TextQuest vs. 4.1 -- April Fools!
You are highly stressed out. Why? It is none other than April Fools, and many of your friends have already come to pull some kind of prank on you.

by rielcz


Misadventures of a Neopian Times Reporter X
"Sooooooooo," I said, drawing out the word because I was nervous. "Why does Buzz want to see me today?"

by kristykimmy


Claare's Wonderful Things To Do With Neggs
What's not to love about the mysterious and incredibly interesting objects with a remarkable resemblance to eggs?

by dewdropzz


Top 7 Most Beautiful Foods
So if you're an absolute food fanatic like I am, then you'll fall in love with my list of the top 7 most beautiful foods in all of Neopia!

by jamieannbassett


Memory Problems

by darkdragon_slayer


So Says the Slorg!!!
Why I am not allowed to have good things from Random Events.

by supercheezee

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