For an easier life Circulation: 109,523,333 Issue: 207 | 9th day of Gathering, Y7
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New Series

Sand Daughter: Part One

After all, they'd been at sea for hours now, probably. Even if they found out she didn't have a ticket, what would they do - throw her overboard?

Also by smurfafied1800

by sara_mossflower

A Change in Heart: Part One

She tip-toed across the cold tile floor and opened the pizza box. The Wocky was about to snatch the last piece of pepperoni pizza, when she heard her brother enter the kitchen...

by sweetie_me274
The Astounding Squad: Part One

They were the Astounding Squad, a team of four green Grarrls gifted with super-natural powers from a mutation experiment gone wrong, an incident involving Dr. Sloth...

by o_apollo_o
Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: Avalon’s Apprentice - Part One

Atop a grassy hill in the center of a small clearing, however, two swords clanged together, shattering the morning's quiet peace...

by cpmtiger
Inferno: Part One

I unlocked it and turned the handle, opening it to find my ghost Lupe looking up at me through his red eyes...

by arula100
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"Harvestival" by schefflera and dreagoddess
"They said, and I'm paraphrasing here, that there are only two people in Meridell who they're sure can ask without offending you, and Lisha is busy helping you lift curses. So I'm nominated. I'm to invite you -- and your people, of course -- to our Harvestival."

Other Stories


A Promise of the Night
The Kacheek looked through the window, and for a second she thought that she had seen someone moving. Maybe it was just her imagination...

by shadowcristal


Her Mother's Warning
"Though you are strong, you are not as strong as the terrible White Lupe that roams the Ruins."

by sarah_the_insane


Cruelty in Numbers
Pets need snappy names that roll off the tongue, give effect and reveal their personality.

by glamness


The Deserted Tomb: Not So Deserted Anymore
You have probably already heard about this exciting discovery because it is the biggest news since Brucey B and the Lost Coin, but for those that have been living underneath their pet Rock for the last few weeks...

by sum41girl2k


The History of Grundo Independence Day
Still remember why we celebrate Grundo Independence Day?

by shibi_diddy


The Haunted Woods is a no fly zone for ghost neopets.

by wicked_dragonite

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