Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 155,374,082 Issue: 216 | 11th day of Storing, Y7
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New Series

A Cobrall Tale: Part One

"Of course this will work. We've been over this before. As long as you do your job, there's nothing to worry about," hissed the Spotted Cobrall...

by fleecer
Murgoh: Part One

Murgoh stopped scratching at his ear when he heard pawsteps coming from the cavern. Two Lupes stepped out...

by zephandolf
Blessing: Part One

She sang as she made her way along the marked path. The same path she followed every single day...

by numbertwelve
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"The Long Road Home" by dan4884
He had a look on his face that made him look both insane and deeply profound. I soon found out that every other Neopet in the neighborhood made avoiding him their biggest priority. No one wanted to be seen with such a freak, it seemed. So, I began to avoid Cooper too...

Other Stories


Stories in the Storm
The island Kacheek walked quickly, wanting to get home before it rained, which might happen any minute...

by lavendergoddess79


Izalena's Book
Once there was a big giant humpleblaster named Big Giant Humpleblaster. He liked to stomp around and blow up neopets...

by shoshana888


Attack of the Revenge: Master Them Pirate Skills!
If you're here, and you are willing to follow my advice, you can get another trophy! You're interested, aren't ya?

by inu_twilight


TCG Newsflash: the Darkest Faerie Set Has Arrived!
Meridell, Brightvale, and Altador need your help! The Darkest Faerie expansion set, the newest yet in the Neopets Trading Card Game world, has been released...

by zim1357980


Sponge Bath!
Wanna help me with my chores?

Art by glowing_banana

by andy_k55


That isn't Cookie Dough!
That poor petpet...

by trunks_a_saiyan

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