Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 122,607,461 Issue: 247 | 7th day of Swimming, Y8
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New Series

The Legend of the Lab Ray Scientist: Part One

Unlike his peers, this Scorchio embraced science and technology, and would not be bothered with what he saw as "grunt work." He longed to become the greatest inventor in all of Neopia...

by chaosmage25
Past Reflections: Part One

"There's a female Zafara headed towards the city... W-we didn't expect much of her at first, but she knocked out every trained guard with a single strike..."

by smurfafied1800
We All Had Each Other: Part One

Just like every one of the young pets in his neighborhood, he was an orphan. Times had been tough on the Citadel, and they had learned to fend for themselves...

by tiger_kitty7788
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"Transmogrification" by valkyriemaiden
I turned round quickly at the voice and found myself beak-to-nose with a striking- even beautiful- mutant Korbat. At first I started in fright- I had never seen one of these creatures before. But her eyes were large, gleaming and kind and I knew at once that she would not harm me. I greeted her in the formal Tyrannian style and she laughed...

Other Stories


A Balthazar-Faerie Tale
I haven't seen poor Fuhnah since she told me this story. I hope she hasn't gotten herself caught again.

by dark_goddess_rising


The Fearsome Twosome
It was perfect. Its wings were pointed in just the right way; the cloth was professionally stitched, and the pitchfork looked sharp and menacing...

by molly102394


Skies Over Meridell: Not About Flying in the Air
An important thing to know about this game is that this is NOT Battledome In The Air. Your only attack weapons are your cannons and your only defence is simply "flying out of the way" or "dodging."

by charlixsparkles


How to Play Yooyuball... Without a Yooyu!
So you've caught Altador Cup fever and you want a piece of the action, but you don't live in Neopia, so you can't get hold of a Yooyu? No problem!

by rookina


Everyone's a critic.

by khoste


Super Attack Pea
Can Super Attack Pea be a hero?

by cwog

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