Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 177,384,931 Issue: 311 | 28th day of Gathering, Y9
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New Series

Blue's Way: Part One

The painted Neopets looked at each other in dismay and confusion. An unpainted pet, speaking with them like he was painted too!

by kimssuperanimals
Ultimate Decision: Part One

She hated living like this, but Renelle was in a desperate situation. She needed more than fifty neopoints, but she knew that Hadia's offer would be firm...

by reggieman721
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Altador Cup 2

Sure, you can read about the scores in the news, but can you read about the Unmentionable Incident Of The Exploding Slushies Underneath The Commentating Box? Well, no, because it’s so devious that it can’t be mentioned. But here is just a mere taste of the carnage we witnessed deep within the belly of the stands: the news that never got reported…

Other Stories


Squid Bait
Curiosity snared the Techo, or was it Techos make great squid bait? Eh, either way, it's time to go fish.

by brokensilent


The Imperial Exam
"Spell..." The Kacheek narrowed his eyes as he peered through his tiny glasses. "... linguine." The Chia made a choking sound, but nodded...

by nativsis


Petpet Abuse or Harmless Fun?
There are many known cases throughout Neopia of Petpet abuse. Abuse that should not exist!

by tiger_lilly_girl


Just How Smooth Was the Altador Cup 2?
Sure, you can read about the scores in the news, but can you read about the Unmentionable Incident Of The Exploding...

by iamskot


Knick Knack - Origami
Don't be silly.

Script by kamikatze24

by pokemon_lunatic


Whacky Wocky #o1
CookieMew finds a ghost. <3

by teeniesophie

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