Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 175,202,528 Issue: 367 | 7th day of Storing, Y10
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New Series

The Elements of the Exploring: Part One

She smiled to herself and sped up, thinking she had won, until suddenly, a cloud of fire appeared before her...

by iamcanadian1428
Shay Peters and the Clockwork Caper: Part One

I was rich and free with an ego bigger than the world itself. But still, something bothered me...

Also by chocolateisamust

by sirussblack

The Yellow Gelert: Part One

"Hey, Pix," she said slowly. "Since it's summer, could I get a job?"

by pixie_29
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Boards for the Bored

It's a place to meet new people and judge them based on their avatar count and font. Who has never done that? Thought not. Looking to be lent a Bony Grarrl Club? The Avatars/NeoSignatures board is where you can hang out, but look impressive or you'll never get your hands on the club. Searching for a guild? Post "I'm guildless!" on the Guilds board, and you will be quickly engulfed in a stream of advertisements. The boards offer something for everyone and everything. However, there are a few things about each forum which may be of use...

Other Stories


The Nightmare Wizard
"Would you like me to tell you a story, little one?" the skunk Moehog asked her tiny sister.

by beholdadaughter


The Master's Apprentice
For the past five months, Titem had been teaching Jasper how to carve wooden totems...

by yippo_yippee


Creating a More Bow-eutiful Neopia
Whether we're talking about a classy plaid bow or a daring red one, this article will reveal it all!

by welikedots


Abandoning Your Neopet - The Right Choice?
You enter the pound with your pet, who is happily content, having been told that it was getting a new brother or sister...

by umbreae


Fuzzeh Logic
No Kyriis were ever harmed. xD

by jackjack1234


The Hero Society - #9
...In which Delilah makes toast (sort of).

by bearcatt

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