Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 184,867,923 Issue: 477 | 14th day of Sleeping, Y13
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New Series

The Page's Promise: Part One

Nothing bothered Trayanne when she was writing; nothing. Not even the fact that she was ownerless and in the Pound.

by thediractor
Remembering Rue: Part One

That day the bandages came off, and she got her first look at the world for a long time, nothing was the same. Nothing ever would be again.

by hedgehog_queen
Never Send a Mystery Capsule to Dr. Sloth: Part One

I actually spend very little time in Sloth's presence myself during each day, but yesterday was different.

by fuzzymonkey31
Flashpoint: Part One

Counter-intelligence. It's such a glamorous job.

Also by livvy_granger

by antiaircraft

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"Flashpoint" by antiaircraft and livvy_granger
You can just call me Varlock. Or Agent Varlock, if you're feeling really formal. So how can a JubJub be a Resistance agent? Yeah, I get that a lot. Well, let's see, I can think, I can run, and I can shoot. Good enough? What? How can I hold a weapon? Seriously, mate, that's a trade secret. Trust me, I can handle a blaster. Moving on...

Other Stories


Partly Cloudy With a Chance of Adventure
Kaela Kau was a bright, friendly soul.

by hellokitty_beauty


Habitarium Heroes
You are about to read a true story of heroes. First, though, I must set the scene for you.

by therons


How to be a Hero--The Right Way!
If you're building a library (personal, public, demonic, etc.) and you decide not to use the conveniently-already-existing Draiky Decimal System, PLEASE create an index of how your books are organized, and post this index in a convenient location.

Also by rfrchompchomp

by yami_wolfwood


Living a Lie: The Story of the Imposter Apple
No longer will you remotely question the strange happenings that must be about when you pluck a mask-wearing orange from Bart's pail. All your answers are here.

by fluffywoy


Techopalooza: Sparklers
Starting off Year 13 with a bang!

by desert_gp_dragon2oo5


Chance of Rain
Maybe some resolutions are best kept to yourself...

by mizumew

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