Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 190,692,040 Issue: 582 | 15th day of Awakening, Y15
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New Series

We All Fall Down: Part One

A lone Hunter strolled through the woods, wide-eyed, light-footed and all ears.

by ellbot1998
Enchanted Stories: Adventure on the High Seas - Part One

"There are plenty of cruise ships that depart from Mystery Island. We might go to the island for a few weeks to start, and finish with an ocean cruise. We haven't taken a vacation outside of Meridell in forever..."

by kristykimmy
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"Surprise with a Twist" by 77thbigby
Trick was sixteen years old. At the beginning of the month of Hunting, he had gotten lost on Mystery Island for two weeks. It had been a trying ordeal for the young Pteri and now, one month later, he was still in recovery. That's why Legend was there now. Trick wasn't fully healed but he was definitely feeling better and driving his siblings mad in the process...

Other Stories


Desert Memories
The Pink Kyrii sat silently, looking over the Desert from her perch on the rock. Moonlight glinted off the sand, giving it a silvery appearance. The night was quiet.

by meadows_lark


The Faerie Ball
"Uhm... see... uh... about this faerie ball thing coming up... Wait... How do you know my name?" Cora began.

by black_skull725


In the early hours of the Eleventh Day of Awakening, an earthquake was felt across Neopia. The area with the most damage appears to be Tyrannia...

by jamba_jukeba


A Rebuttal - Hagan is Definitely Better!
Are you still on Team Skarl? Well, here are five indisputable reasons why King Hagan is better.

Also by dr_tomoe

by agedbeauty


Oh Space Faerie! #6
Why does the Space Faerie always pick on Kazma?

by saiyukii


Muckla and the Hat Hunt #9
This is too depressing for words. I'll just leave a sad smiley: =(

by lovisa966

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