White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 191,125,202 Issue: 597 | 31st day of Hunting, Y15
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New Series

Defender of Neopia - A Krawk in Lupe Clothing: Part One

"It's nearly complete," a shadowy figure croaked, while holding a glass bottled filled with a purplish liquid. "All I need now is something to test it on."

by kinokiro
The Breadmaster's Challenge: Part One

It was not surprising to find Aventia in the kitchen at the crack of dawn, contently whisking a bowl of egg whites into stiff peaks of meringue, or leisurely kneading sour dough for baguettes.

by meganhilty
Acquisitions Specialists: Part One

From the journals of Brynneth of Brightvale, Captain of the Guard of Her Majesty Faerie Queen Fyora...

by archetype
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Dressing For The Cup

With the help of the captains from the top ten teams from last year's AC, I'm going to help showcase some stunning Neopoint (NP) and Neocash (NC) fashions to help you stay in style for this year's Altador Cup!

Other Stories


The Governor's Secret
You are only as good as your last success. It didn't matter to this scurvy lot that he, Harnigold, was the most successful pirate ever to sail the seas of Neopia.

by purple_rach


Landing Stars
"I was crashing," he said.

"Yes, quite fortunately for you, I noticed."

by eternus_dragon


10 Alternative Ways To Support Your AC Team
With the 8th Altador Cup fast approaching, all of Neopia becomes ecstatic for this annual event.

by marzipan


Dressing Up for the Altador Cup
It's nearly time for this year's Altador Cup (AC) to begin! Although the most important decision is arguably which team you will join, another important consideration is what your Neopets will be wearing, especially if you would like to show off some team spirit.

by szkageyoshi


Tumble Dry
We could always just go to the Games Room...

by rissy123


Mutant Chomby Problems #2
There's almost never anything in my size!

by goneviral

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