Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 94,333,932 Issue: 184 | 1st day of Eating, Y7
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Short Stories

A Game of Mynci Beach Volleyball

It didn't hurt to exercise, but she just really didn't like it... Why waste all that time when you could read? The Mynci sat down on her beanbag chair as she admired all the hand-made Neopian Times Quills in her room. Then she opened the book and started to read again.

by shadowcristal
Camping Dangerously

Gnarled tree branches hanging over their heads cast shadows that seemed to surround and trap them. A loud gust of wind rustled the trees.

by yugi90163
The Shadow Usul’s Gift

Why is it no one likes me? I'm not popular at Neoschool, I don't have any friends. Like other students would want to hang with me anyway. Why would they want to hang with me if own family doesn't?

by who_caresxx

His life was like this dust. People used to need dust, when it was dirt. They would need it in their gardens, to grow flowers and plants. Now, it is simply there.

by oldnavyfan10
Why There's No Uni Heroes

"That's not fair!" Golden declared, his tone accusing. "Why are all the heroes Lupes and Gelerts and everything else?!? Why isn't there a Uni hero too!?!"

by josephmax
There's a Monster in my Toaster!

"Tory! How many times have I told you? Don't play with the kitchen appliances while I'm gone, you could hurt yourself!"

by neox52492
Rafted At Sea

Blake shook me awake, and I looked out into the distance. The vine had broken! I watched as the island, my home, as it loomed away far into the distance...

by o_apollo_o
The Neopia Security Agency 2: Loose Ends

You know the Chief; she won’t say we’re done until we’re exhausted and we can’t move.

by undeadfortune
Cara's Gift

She looked around her room. Three other beds were in the room, all neatly made. The other orphans must be up already.

by o_apollo_o
The "Mischievous" Mists of Avalon

He had it all planned; he was going to play a trick on each of his siblings this day...

by keiri_sato
Fooling Fluffy

"'To: Fluffy. From: Sweet. This is a gift for you on this special day.' Huh? The first day of the Month of Eating isn't - AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!"

by precious_katuch14
The Curse of Maraqua

Marissa the Maraquan Acara and Theresa the Maraquan Uni were playing around in a coral reef, ducking and diving between the holes and swimming around wildly, playing as long as their hearts desired. That is, until the boats came...

by charlotte203368
Cheri's Worst Birthday

As the sun rose in the east, Cheri, a starry Lupe, blinked her eyes sleepily. After a moment, she remembered what day it was. It's my birthday, she groaned to herself.

by sarahbir
Vulsimetra and Her Boss

Vulsimetra stood she waved for him to follow her out the window. Clyde did as she asked. He couldn't let the others know who he really was.

by immortalmina
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"Rafted At Sea" by o_apollo_o
Blake shook me awake, and I looked out into the distance. The vine had broken! I watched as the island, my home, as it loomed away far into the distance...

Other Stories


Saying Goodbye to the Kougra
Why the third most popular Neopet in Neopia?

by slamina83


A Begginers Glossary to Plushie Tycoon
Keep this in mind when you start, the reward is great because you are playing for one of the longest time periods of any Neopet’s game.

by christmas_faerie17


Awakening - Part Five
Hiterkuna felt an explosion and everything was black. Victoria and her father sneered and tied her up. Then, Tarnath shouldered the unconscious Zafara and they left, laughing.

by smurfafied1800


Cafeteria Chaos: Part One
"Holy Kau! The doors are closed and I could hear the screaming loudly and clearly all the way down the hall!" Jean exclaimed, flabbergasted. "Do I dare open them…?"

by shadih_temporary


Having trouble with N00bs?

Also by Tambourine_chimp

by korigatto


.:The Wizard of Odd:.
Neopia's first Pirate Mutant Meerca.

by torchwing996

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