Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 102,975,150 Issue: 203 | 12th day of Hiding, Y7
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Short Stories

Little White Muse

I went for a brisk run, took a hot bath, changed back into my clothes, cracked my knuckles, grabbed my favorite pen… and got down to work.

by really_awesome_d00d
Fuzzle--to Be Or Not to Be?

The stars shone brightly as the broken Fuzzles lay on the pile of rubbish in silent sadness...

by snuggles_da_hiena
Saving A Life

Miriam chuckled and said loudly, "Megan, you forgot to check my pulse for ten seconds!"

by dudettijr
The Diary of a Meepit

What you suspected about Meepits, but were afraid to find out....

by catpower4ever
Triss and the Psychiatrist

"So, to show her I didn't care what she thought, I stuck my nose up in the air, and realized what a great comeback that was! I'm now perfecting it so I can use it more often."

by o_apollo_o

Her afternoons were spent helping the cook or fetching things for customers. But when she hid away with a good book...

by hmlanden
Faerie Storm

A thought glimmered in the Faerie Queen's mind. A smile played about her lips as she murmured to herself...

by just_waiting
Secrets of Geraptiku

In a sudden gust of energy despite her draining energy Mera broke into a run. Today, she whispered to herself. Today, I'll step inside that tomb...

by angelpuss_muddskippy
Yet Another Bunch of Letters

Dear Yannagiba, you left barely an hour ago and yet, I already miss you...

by ladyariel32
Why I Rescue Kadoaties

If you think I do it for fun, you must be out of your mind. I hate Kadoaties. They're annoying, dainty, squeaky, attention-stealing, vain little critters...

by shadowcristal
Beginning of it All: Thirty Minutes Past Ten O'Clock

"H-h-hi. Is this, is this, the place? For the experiment," nervously stammered the green Aisha...

Also by hottamale0774

by humblely

Past Prosperity

I almost forgot to introduce myself. As I said, I don’t get many visitors anymore. It sometimes slips my mind. I’m TDMBGPOP...

by lytening10
Search the Neopian Times


What Not to Do at Kelp

Kelp—a five-star, gourmet, exquisite, restaurant at the bottom of New Maraqua. It is said that the food is quite nice and the service is excellent. I have recently built a neohome in Maraqua, only a few blocks away from it. I enjoy nice food at fine restaurants. When I read that a new place called “Kelp” opened up, I was excited to pay it a visit...

Other Stories


Winning at World Challenges
A lot of people have questions about how the World Challenges work. They can seem pretty complicated, but I think they're worth mastering...

by pianoru


Breadfish? yes. Butterfish? yes. Toastfish? ....
"Breadfish?" she asked, puzzled. "Why is there a breadfish? Is there a butterfish? A toastfish?" She set off to ask the great smart pets of Neopia.

by elinion


Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: Part Ten
Quaz growled as Avalon stopped to take a deep breath. "You may be enjoying the scenery, but it won't distract the shadow-ghosts." Avalon moved faster after that...

by cpmtiger


A Day in Another's Shoes: Part One
"Teacher's pet... No, teacher's faerie," the Fire faerie named Ignicia whispered as several faeries around her giggled...

by shadowcristal


Something has happened!

by scamhunter4ever


Guess what I bought!!

by crow213

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