Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 108,522,844 Issue: 217 | 18th day of Storing, Y7
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Short Stories

The Most Beautiful Thing

I can remember it as though it were yesterday. I was climbing aboard The Cunnameta, bags and all, ready to find some buried treasure worth a king's ransom...

by azn_suga_babe
Link to the Keys

The Shadow Zafara watched enviously as her elder sister, a Royal Cybunny pressed the piano keys, her fingers skipping across the white and black and her foot tapping in rhythm...

by digital_microwave
Lucky Streak

"It's not fair! I know you're cheating!" the younger sister, Thunder the fire Wocky grumbled. "Why else do you always win?"

by star_29791
Two Peas in a Pod

Demali and Zyna, twin sister pea Chias, were living and growing in a pea pod together ever since they were born...

by mygoodguild
The Marketplace Artist

Aric had been forced to give up everything he owned, every last neopoint he had to his name. Which left him here...

by winged_sandals
Semi-Evil Assistant #4

And to make it worse, he didn't have enough neopoints stocked away to buy another kookith. Not after the first three had run away...

by silent_snow
Dubloons to the Double

"Oh, Flazer," Zafar said. "Do you actually believe that there is a pile of shining Dubloons somewhere in Krawk Island?"

by thundercrusher94
A Gangee is my Best Friend

Ina glared at me and shook her head. "For the last time, no! You're not getting a Petpet until your next birthday. No more about this, okay?"

by brenicaevf333
Taelia's Gift

Wistfully Taelia lifted her beautiful face to the sky, letting the shockingly cold air flow over her, and remembered a time so long ago when Faerieland had been her home...

by slavatoredrizzit
Water Wings

I, ShootingStar918, a yellow Kacheek, was just barely 3 months old. And I was going swimming for the first time...

by sweettartlucy
Hannah's "Evil Twin"

Hannah thought back and grimaced. "Once," she said. "But that was a long time ago."

by animalnutz1993
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Food for Thought

Good afternoon, Food Club fans! My name is Elle E. Funt, and I have something special in store for you today. You can watch the Food Club competitions any day, but today we'll be taking a behind-the-scenes look at this exciting Krawk Island game!

Other Stories


Mysteries of the Deserted Fairground
So, are you ready to go on a great adventure into the Deserted Fairground?

by ssjelitegirl


A Note from Dr. Sloth: How to Ruin Neopia's Economy
The following is a list of things you could do to completely ruin the lives of all Neopians. Strike them at their heart: their economy!

by spiky325


Purple Pebble: Part Three
Feri and the Poogle and Shoyru had their arms up in the air, hands clenched in fists, screaming along with the crowd. Ollie felt her cheeks grow hot...

by mygoodguild


Trapped Within a Dream: Part Ten
"Everyone's talking about the breakout! Hally, they're talking about shutting the place down!"

by chibicelchan


Rejected Reality
I'm NOT addicted to the lab ray...

by refira


The (Mis)Adventures of Gore
Fashion faux pas...

by chivo

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