Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 171,460,618 Issue: 396 | 12th day of Relaxing, Y11
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Short Stories


Since in the past week Julie had "borrowed" Amber's literature paper and hadn't given it back, I was a little hesitant...

by aragornrocks500
The Wondrous Woes of Dr. Wilbur: The Case of the Purse and the Pickpocket

I must admit I've never written a story. Never. It must be said that until now my many chivalrous and substantial actions prevented me from doing so.

by shadyy15
The Karate Master's Belt

"I don't want to rest," Baltund said. "Karate is so awesome, and I really want to get that black belt!!"

by neoknuckles
Happy Birthday

"Why, today is a very special day," answered Suri. "Today is-"

by surinamejoshua234
The Door to Jelly World

"There's a world of jelly like the Haunted Woods is beautiful. How in Neopia would you get the idea there's a land of jelly? Jelly!"

by pinkkea
Pack Up, Let's Go!

Going to the Giant Omelette can get boring after a while.

by tacosquirrel
Flying Free

On a small cliff in the middle of the Haunted Woods sat a small orphanage, so small it didn't even have a name.

by nalariel
Broken Fairytales and False Hope

Everyone thinks Battledomers are all tough with no feelings or love. But I was normal once. Living a normal life. Once.

by grace_neo10
Balistairi's Story

"What is the goal this time?" the mad scientist questioned.

by jdl1988
The Nightworld

It was there since the beginning of Neopia...

by dragonstorm_75

If he once had a name it had been lost many years ago. It was hard to remember things when you were forgotten.

by laura_leigh23444
Jumping to Conclusions

Nimmos and Quiggles are quite alike... well, maybe not.

by mint_green_
The Truth Behind the Angry Techo

Yes, the Angry Techo. If you've ever been to a Yooyuball game, you know who I'm talking about.

by cattryn
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"Invisible" by laura_leigh23444
"Only you, Myosotis, would be curious about an invisible horror in the Haunted Woods," her owner said, grinning but serious, shaking her head. The pair continued walking, leaving the seemingly empty Fairgrounds behind. The invisible pet watched...

Other Stories


The World Challenge – A Forgotten Art
Depending on the game (or games!) you choose, to play, you may be able to secure victory just by playing a game for 20 minutes.

by omega_hobo_gogeta


The Techo Super-fan: Faerieland Supporter?!
A question looms behind the Techo's screaming cheers: Which team is he really cheering for?

by o_liveandlearn_o


Braving Brightvale: Part Two
Her mother Daisy had already prepared dinner and the whole family was waiting for her to be seated. "So, how was your first day? Tell us everything about it!"

by dr0pz


An Iliad: Part Two
Azure continued to feign unconsciousness, as she debated how to attack the guard. They would have taken her sword away, so that left her with her teeth and claws.

by eternus_dragon


No Name Required
Who says you have to use the lab ray to be a fruit Chia?

by miley0724


The Perils of Being a Labrat
Oh no... what will that crazy Scorchio do next?

by id_24

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