Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 180,843,697 Issue: 434 | 12th day of Running, Y12
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Short Stories

Biography of a Villain: Hubrid Nox

The line between villain and hero has never been so thin.

by thropp
On the Hunt

"What kind of a petpet are you looking for?"

Art by luna4400

by luna4400

Ruki and the Beast

At the very heart of the facility, the great transmogrification ray still stood, skeletal in its ruin...

by d_morton
The Wishing Well

This is a story about a mischievous, ok, downright naughty little red Ixi.

by rosie
The Sister Mysteries: The Case of The Crying Baby

It was Misty, the baby of the Neohome, throwing her tiny head back and wailing at the top of her lungs.

by babygirl229911
The Power of Distant Memories

Slowly, Loretta turned to the grubby counter and picked up the fancy pen she always reserved to take orders with. Sadness clutched at her heart...

by icy_catalyst
Jealous? Or Not

The basket was placed on the chair. An ear poked out of it. And then a tiny head. It yawned, showing tiny teeth. The baby Lupe turned large, luminous eyes on Jatalle...

by elly042
A Not So Happy Birthday

"Trust me; she couldn't make up her mind. She bought these really big gifts, and then resold them because they weren't big enough."

by 7splat52
As Luck Would Have It

This is the story of the time my owner nearly got herself killed (again) by following her instincts.

by brilliantgrey
Second Chance

I sighed. I wished I could just spread my wings and fly away, to finally have my freedom again.

by bringerofjoy
Drummer's Salute

See, drummers aren't so bad. :3

by laurapet131
Everyone Needs Freedom

"I bought pizza, asparagus and yoghurt, and I also found this." She held up the bottle for her to see.

by scepticfirefly
The Cockroach Towers

"That's odd, but it appears that you reserved the Cockroach Towers instead."

by chax1414
Truth Behind Perfection

Every day, I'm faced with the fact that I have to do everything exactly correct.

by rpheart124
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Altador Cup V

The Altador Cup. A full 35 days of fierce competition pitting user against user, worlds against worlds. Although the actual tournament doesn't start for another few months, many users are hyped up for the competition, some even year round. I've compiled a list of 10 questions many Cup fanatics are dying to know about the Altador Cup V. I've even added my own answer and prediction to each question to show what I think. What team will be out? This is always a scary thought. Whose team will be dropped from the Cup?

Other Stories


Show Those Evil Robots Who's Boss
Helping Neopians everywhere obtain the Carnival of Terror avatar.

by robokins


Interesting Evil Illnesses
Everyone knows the villains of Neopia are failing for the most part.

by marina5_55


Scarlet Shadow: A Knight's Reckoning - Part One
Jeran fell. He tripped over a root. "Lisha?!" he cried, picking himself up. Not knowing here he was, the young Lupe quickly ran...

by kathleen_kate


From Swamp to Sky: Part One
An inspiring story to follow your heart and be all that you can be regardless of where you come from.

by kittytoes


Sketch Parade!
A cautionary tale about the fury of Tahiti Jones...

by glitt_


The Bunker - The Surprise (Part 6)
The PPL would like me to remind all of you to hug your Huggies at least three times a day. Thank you.

by hubadawaha

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