Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 187,887,734 Issue: 508 | 19th day of Hiding, Y13
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Short Stories

Dubloon Disaster

Look, kid, in our profession, there is no such thing as talent, only patience.

by carrieantonia
The Hardships of Faeries

"Illusen... I really don't mean to bother you. I know you're busy trying to make everything tidy again, but I really do need your help." Illusen turned around to see a young Bruce with a tear slowly sliding down his cheek.

by alex_bubbly
The Sorceress's Rising

"Very well, Xandra. From hearing your story, I can only guess that you have some magical abilities. Now, if we could only teach you how to control them..."

Also by princesspesa98 :)

by erroro


Ellis, Rhombus, and I were wandering aimlessly through Shenkuu. Though the city is breathtaking and idyllic, it's huge. We were lost.

by virtuosoe
The Lotus Blooms Twice

What a peaceful day this was.

by kiki587695
A Day in the Life of a Larnikin Soldier

Oh, man. Dragged out of bed to fight blue pests, and I'm still half asleep.

by 1335512
Lenny Conundrum Land

I shut my eyes...

...and opened them again to find myself in an endless grassy meadow by myself. Where was the Lenny?

by secant

Floating is the First Step

Lying in the water, watching the sky... It calms me—until my little sister does what she does best and ruins the moment.

by vortex_paula2
Box of Leftover Muffins

The minutes ticked slowly by on the kitchen wall clock. It seemed that the timer would never go off...

by animallover199428
Sophie's Cousin versus The Neopian Times

"Is it safe to write about Sophie? You know how dangerous her wrath can be."

by a_greenparrot
Search the Neopian Times


"A Day in the Life of a Larnikin Soldier" by 1335512
I can barely keep my eyes open anymore. I don't know how much walking I could do between all these purple gems anyway. But wait! Yay! My owner just put me and the other Larnikin soldiers in the hospital and collected the gems. Oooh, that feels really good. They've got the most comfy beds in here, and really scrumptious food. Some mornings I wish I could...

Other Stories


A Neopian's Guide to Fostering
A foster pet is a pet that someone adopts from the pound with the goal of zapping or painting to change that pet to a new, better color in the hopes of finding them a new home.

by terabithian


It's Not All It's Cracked Up to Be...
Being a baby Pteri is risky business.

by timmyythegreat405


One Usuki Fanatic, One Important Lesson: Part One

Tallie lived for them. Every inch of her room was painted, wallpapered, or carpeted Usuki pink.

by thediractor


Messenger: The Trouble With Selkets - Part Eight
"Welcome to Thieves' City," Hotep crowed. "Alley of thieves, refuge fer stolen property."

by hedgehog_queen


Edible Nonsense~ 1
Don't throw stones when you live in a glass house...

by tic2tac


In the Name of Science
Shareholder meetings are the #1 place to announce evil plans!

by lombre

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