A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 189,352,855 Issue: 552 | 6th day of Swimming, Y14
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Short Stories

The Finals of Altador Cup 20

We're glad you could join us today folks! After many days and many games, we're finally at the finals of the Altador Cup 20!

by dr_tomoe

Many Neopians who are not familiar with Kiko Lake culture have no idea the significance of the bandages that adorn the Kikos' heads. Many of them just assume that Kikos are simply accident prone, but the truth is far more complex...

by sockmonk
The Legend of the Quiggle Runner

Neither feathered arrow nor mud nor distance stays this courier from swift delivery.

by kadface
Unlikely Encounters

"I'm sorry, Nitri, but I doubt you'll ever be able to play yooyuball again."

by partigirl2
Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Trouble on the Moon

The truth was that Chloe wasn't a secretary, but a Defender. Her secret alter-ego, Morphica, was the newest of the Defenders heroes. However, her family couldn't know the truth.

by kristykimmy
A Screechy Situation

"That wasn't the neighbors, silly Poogle," Hasiera replied. "That was their Kadoatie. They're known for constant wailing."

by honeybee_462
The Fluffmeyer Chronicles: Fortune's Hostage

It's been a part of our routine for as long as I've been a Neopian: every day one of my pets and I stop by the Island Mystic's Hut to get our daily fortune.

by redoakcove
Vision in Sight

"Why did I have to get my mother's eyebrows?" he muttered under his breath...

by flerpers
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"The Fluffmeyer Chronicles: Fortune's Hostage" by redoakcove
It's been a part of our routine for as long as I've been a Neopian: every day one of my pets and I stop by the Island Mystic's Hut to get our daily fortune. When I began visiting, it was in hopes of hearing a fortune that...

Other Stories


How To Recover From Missing Issue #550
You aren't necessarily a worse writer than anyone who got published in Issue #550.

by ellbot1998


Tea Time With Granny
Granny's got some wisdom to impart to you young Neopians. I haven't been around all these years for nothing, alright! So, listen up!

by jocelyn_joy


Petpet Adventures: Mistress Maxie's Marvellous Circus - Part Four
"She's still not awake," Labez was saying. "I went up as close as I could to her face without burning it, and she didn't even twitch."

Eva was frowning. "That's strange," she said.

by rachelindea


That Summer: Part One
"Why does summer have to be so... so..." Bliss the Christmas Uni began. 

"...hot?" asked her older sister Paint, a red Ogrin.

by star_artist_girl


Anthology of Neopian Literature: Poems and Rhymes 2
"Baby Pteri"

Art by deadzzi

by seraphicbrie


Jhudora Dilemmas: "Love means sharing"
Jhudora has some typical dilemmas on her life, and this week is learning how to share with other ones.

Idea by shobe277

by laura_ow08

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