Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 189,520,066 Issue: 555 | 27th day of Swimming, Y14
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Short Stories

Of Happy Valley and Trees in Terror Mountain

"Jazan, it'll be a nice vacation!" Nabile pleaded, giving her husband puppy-dog eyes.

by meadows_lark
The Beginning

The sky over Neovia appeared to be perpetually gray. Theolounious Scrivenger glanced up...

by graveyardcandyapple
Jhudora's Chance

However, there was something different about her, something that all other Kacheeks had that she didn't.

by neeraline
Best Stay Away From The Red Eyes

She swore she heard something. A small growl, a pant, here and there. It sounded like a Lupe...

by musicimmortality
The Pre-Season Prankster

"Let's get these interviews over with. I'm not really looking forward to them myself, since I've been banned from playing any of my jokes. Can you believe that?"

by hamzandrilez
Ever Higher

Set stared out the window beside her desk. Central's skyscrapers reached up past and around her, steel and glass shining in the afternoon light.

by kittengriffin
Lessal and the Fungus Balls

Do you hate going to the Neopian Hospital? Well, so does Lessal!

by bluewisp16
Sketch is Only the Beginning

"In the field of art, the sketch is only the beginning."

Art by hazellauretta

by hazellauretta

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"The Beginning" by graveyardcandyapple
The sky over Neovia appeared to be perpetually gray. Theolounious Scrivenger glanced up at the cloud-filled expanse overhead for a mere moment before proceeding to the front door of his shop, pulling his keys out of the pocket of his light-brown jacket as he did so. He sighed lightly as he unlocked the door and let himself in. He flicked on the lights and left the door open to allow the chilled air from outside to seep in. Theo headed for the counter...

Other Stories


The Fifteen Tastiest Jellies In Neopia
Jelly is a favorite summer treat for many Neopians, especially those who live in hot climates. It sure is a tasty way to cool off on a really hot day.

by darkobsession


Breaking Down Gourmet Club Bowls
Your aim in the game is to bowl your ball (yours is red) to stop as close as you can to the small white ball (the jack).

by flotsam_freako_8254


The Game of Master Hog: Part Nine
'You see, is too hot to waste time with regrets,' Watiki declared brightly. 'Stop worrying and relax, just enjoy the sun. Is not far to Techo Master's school now anyway.'

by d_morton


Petpet Adventures: Mistress Maxie's Marvellous Circus - Part Seven
"You expect me to help you after you attacked my person?" the Miamouse snapped.

"Um..." Labez floundered.

by rachelindea


To Be Determined - Asylum
Stereotypes can be a dangerous thing...

by beastofmanytails


Karl & Hensoy in the Unusual Vegetable
(in which Hensoy should be thankful it didn't go for his nose)


by stillhensoy

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