Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 99,729,623 Issue: 198 | 8th day of Swimming, Y7
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by wicked_dragonite

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6 Plans You Can Use to Escape the Ray Gun
I will tell you plans that could be effective in avoiding a potentially gruesome (and cute at the same time, I do call them CUTE little piles of sludge, after all) situation...

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Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: Part Five
"So Storm's interfering, eh?" he muttered. Scarback had dealt with the pirate Lupe before...

by cpmtiger


Snotty Humor... the SECOND.
Maybe she should just hire a Maid...

by destiny____


Jhudora's Weakness: Part Five
In our heads, we heard an awful screaming, then Jhudora's voice. "How dare you destroy my land? You will pay dearly!" she screeched.

by nadine_clark

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