A Novice's Guide to Beating the Swarm by spoonguardonline
Swarm II – The Bugs Strike Back. One of the newer games to the games room, and,
as with many of the recent game releases, it is remarkably similar to an older
game – namely, Swarm. Evidently, Neopets doesn’t mind that people realise that
this is a remake of Swarm, because otherwise, calling the game Swarm II isn’t
the best way of keeping that fact inconspicuous. It is, though, a good remake,
as the graphics are different, and altogether much smoother.
Enough of the opening comments. Now, the novice returns, in a new guide, to
Swarm II. And, that knowledge is essential. ‘Novice’ is the key word there.
If you don’t know what it means, look it up in a dictionary. Or I’ll do it for
you. According to one dictionary a novice is ‘a beginner, someone new in anything’.
That’s me. I am a novice. I am not an expert, and I am not fantastically good
at this game. Anyhow, let’s get on with the guide, safe in the knowledge that
you are in the hands of a total idiot. First, the basics.
The Basic Idea
The basic aim of the game is to destroy the swarm. Hence the name – Swarm.
There is a Swarm, full of bugs (that’s where the Bugs Strike Back bit comes
from). The Bugs are Striking Back. Do you see the relevance of the name yet?
The slightly less basic idea is how to actually stop the Bugs from Striking
Back. You have to move backwards and forwards along a small ridge, with lots
of brick walls. Well, lots if you call five a lot. You have to dodge the little
fire things that the bugs will fire down at you, and shoot them. If you hit
them, they get destroyed. If they hit you, you lose a life. Lose three, and
the bugs have defeated you. There are walls, which you can hide behind, and
these protect you from shots. However, hit them nine times, and they’re gone.
Sound simple? It is.
The controls are equally simple. The left and right arrow keys move you left
and right, and the space bar fires your projectiles at the bugs, or the walls,
if you feel so inclined. Easy.
In this game, there are two enemies:
RED BUGS – These are small, and there are a lot of them. They fire small fireballs
at you occasionally, and there are generally a lot of them at the start of the
level. If you defeat them all, you start a new level. These are not too difficult.
GREEN BUGS – The green ones are more rare, and fly across the top of the screen
occasionally. They fire down large fireballs at frequent intervals during their
fly across the screen. They are hard to hit, but the fire becomes easy to dodge
after about two minutes of experience, although it can still take you by surprise.
Scoring and Levels
The game works on a scoring system which it doesn’t call Multiple Hit Bonus,
but which I do call Multiple Hit Bonus. Basically, it speaks for itself. Every
time you fire a projectile, you start to activate this bonus. If you hit one
bug, then you score 3 points. However, if your next projectile hits a bug, you
get 4 points for hitting that bug. If your next projectile hits a bug, you score
5 points, and so on and so forth. However, if your projectile misses a bug,
then your Multiple Hit Bonus resets, and you have to start again from 3 points
per bug. If you manage to hit one of the green flying things that go really
fast across the screen, then you score 20 points, which is quite a lot (see
Other Hints for more on the green things) Every time you defeat an entire swarm
of bugs, you move onto the next swarm. There are ten waves of bugs in total.
The number and speed of bugs increases as you move onto the next level, and
the walls regenerate for each level.
A game just wouldn’t be a game without bonuses, and stuff falling from the
sky that does stuff to you. The bonuses are as follows:
GROW – This looks like two arrows flashing blue, and facing away from each
other. This makes your tank bigger. You do not want this bonus, as it will expose
more of you to an oncoming fireball. It’s not that dangerous, though, and any
experienced player will find it just as easy to control a large tank as the
normal sized one.
SHRINK – This looks like two flashing red arrows pointing towards each other.
This bonus is useful, because it makes your tank smaller. Smaller tank = less
hits. Less hits = more points. More points = more happiness. So this small bonus
can bring you lifelong happiness. Ahem…
SPEED UP – This bonus is a large, green, flashing cross. Pretty. It is also
incredibly useful, and can make you dodge oncoming fireballs with ease, as it
gives you a massive speed boost. Combined with Shrink, this can be lethal for
the bugs.
SLOW DOWN – This bonus is a flashing blue and pink dash. This, surprisingly,
slows you down, so you can’t move very fast at all. This, when combined with
Grow, can become lethal for you, as a slow moving, massive tank is not going
to be the best at manoeuvring around flaming balls of terror.
LASER – This bonus is a white and blue line, and is, interestingly, the only
bonus that doesn’t flash at you constantly. It destroys an entire column of
bugs above you, and can also be one of your best weapons against the green bugs.
The only disadvantage is that it’s only a one-use power-up.
AP SLUGS – This bonus is a large projectile inside a yellow explosion. If you
don’t look carefully, you can also mistake it for a chainsaw. This is one of
the best bonuses in the entire game. It gives you larger, faster missiles, and
five of them! One for each wall! It also makes hitting the pesky green bugs
much easier. Warning: These aren’t real slugs. If you want real slugs, try Attack
of the Slorgs.
SHIELD – This shield bonus looks like a white bubble with blue bits around
the edges, and protects you from one shot from the fireballs. Quite useful,
but not to be relied on.
WALL REPAIR – This bonus looks like a wall, and (surprise, surprise) repairs
all your walls. This can be good or bad, depending on whether you rely on walls
or not.
Other Hints
- This game is one of those that require persistence, rather than skill, to
get a trophy for. Skill is involved, and it is still hard to get (I’m not saying
it’s easy, for all those people who worked hard for their trophy), but persistence
is the key. This is because there will only ever be a set number of red bugs,
but an unlimited number of green ones. So, with patience, you can shoot down
every green bug you see, and wait, and get a high score. I haven’t got one,
because I lack the patience, but I would know how to go about it. Firstly, you
shoot down all but one of the red bugs, then you wait, and hit the green bugs
every time they go over. Then, you gain 20 points a shot. However, you may need
to shoot down over two thousand of them to get a trophy. That’s a lot!
- A good strategy of removing the red bugs, if you just want 1,000 NP per game,
is just to stand at one side of the game, preferably the right, and keep shooting.
Then, you get to shoot all the red bugs, one by one, and you get advanced warning
of any green bugs approaching. Also, very few fireballs go down the very edge
of the screen.
- Familiarise yourself with the bonuses. Make sure you know which ones you
are going for, and make sure you know the risks, and whether it is worth going
for it or not. Learn to do this quickly, and without taking your eye off the
- 1,000 NP is really easy to get on this game. If you play reasonably well,
you can easily have 1000 points (all you need for full NP) after wave six or
- Walls can be useful or not. Without them, you stand a bigger chance of being
hit, with nowhere to hide, but can shoot more freely. With them, you can hide
from shots, especially the dangerous green bug flames, but need to move around
to shoot. Walls can be knocked down in nine hits, by a small flame, or by a
normal projectile from you. The larger flames, and the AP Slugs do twice as
much damage, whilst the laser does four times the damage of a normal shot, although
this, unlike the others, damages the thing hiding/flying behind it. Personally,
I don’t use the walls much.
That’s all from me. This is spoonguardonline a.k.a. the novice, signing off.
Author's note – Do not get angry with me if this guide is wrong, or information
is messed up, or you believe I have no brain. The information is most probably
wrong, and the brain I know is non-existent. Neomail is welcome. Thank you for
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