Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 100,597,592 Issue: 199 | 14th day of Swimming, Y7
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The Resistance

by melodiq

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Coffee Break- #3, The Nimmo Cafe
Some neopets obviously take things too seriously.... or is it just the coffee talking?

by isabella462


A Slorg's Story
I think I like my first owner best. I was a naive little young Slorg around that time, sitting in the petpet shop and hoping that someone would buy me...

by shadowcristal


The Unbelieveable
Can believe everything these days...

by x0xsammehx0x


How Jhudora Got Her Cloud
Jhudora froze in her tracks and turned to look at the glowering Faerie Queen. Fyora was sitting at her desk with the inventory list half-unrolled before her...

by schefflera

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