The Diary of a Meepit by catpower4ever
Day 273 of my captivity...
My escape plans are not going as well as I hypothesized...my
captors are obviously thick-skulled minions working for someone in higher power.
Today I attempted to strike fear into the heart of a blue Kacheek after he embraced
me, no doubt in an attempt to strangle me. To show him what I was capable of
I allowed my eyes to glow momentarily red. No avail. He placed me on the ground
observing me quizzically before patting my head telling me how cute I was, then
skipping off. Disgusting.
At the moment escape is near to impossible,
seeing as the only time I'm allowed outdoors is when one captor is willing to
loop a rope around my neck and drag me down the block of their miserable settlement.
I believe the rope is looped around my neck in such a fashion in their hopes
of me attempting to make a run for it, therefore strangling myself, ridding
them of a dangerous enemy. Not likely to happen. I'm light years ahead of them
in the process of evolution and I figured out that little plot ages ago. But
that doesn't stop them, no. They expect me to sleep in a cardboard box, with
walls too high for me to scale. While they gorge themselves on exotic goods
from around the globe, I must be satisfied with 'Meepit Num Nums', and they
think I enjoy their company and playing with the silliest objects such as wadded
up newspaper and "dingle balls". The dingle balls I dispose of when no one is
watching, but I smooth out the newspaper and take accurate notes; it's always
good to know what the enemy is saying…
How I long for the day when my people- the Meepits
-will rise and stand as one unconquerable army! Since I was a mere child in
the prison more commonly referred to as the Petpet Shop, I listened to my dear
mother tell us stories of brave Meepit generals, who for centuries now have
carefully observed these "Neopians" and drawn plans based on their everyday
lives. We know their strengths and weaknesses, what they fear, and why they
fear it. How can they even imagine trembling in fear from scum like Sloth when
the Meepits are planning to stage a takeover which is rapidly approaching every
day? When we conquer this miserable planet and its inhabitants, endless power
will be ours! The Neopians will toil as slaves for us, while we rule! Other
petpets who have suffered under the Neopians' iron fists will live upper class
lives alongside us as our slaves work away, making life luxurious and easy for
Like the blue Kacheek I mentioned earlier, many
of these weak fools I'm surrounded by don't seem to recognize what a threat
I am. Infuriating as it is, perhaps it may have some positive outcome. If they
suspect nothing then they will be surprised when we launch our attack. But I
still long for freedom, to join my fellow Meepits and help them draw their plans…
It's no use trying to communicate with the other
petpets in this house. They're both weak, spineless, fools who were brainwashed
by my captors long ago. A small blue Ona who trembles and faints at loud noises
and a dull Pfish who does nothing but float in his bowl and stare blankly at
passersby. I checked them off my list of allies long ago.
It seems that I have no allies except for Meepit
#2791 who lives in the dwelling across the road. I often come across her during
my morning "drag" around the block. While our captives chat about their latest
methods of torturing us, (bubble baths, scratching posts etc.) 2791 and I communicate
telekinetically sending each other updates on our latest triumphs against our
captives and new information we have learned.
While at the moment 2791 is my only ally, my
luck may change shortly. On our most recent walk I overheard talk between the
two captives that they were considering sending 2791 and myself to Petpet Playhouse
during daytime hours. You can imagine how I first felt about this. PetPet Playhouse?
Me? I think not. As I was unleashing my anger upon the chaise lounge, a thought
suddenly occurred to me. At last I would be surrounded by other petpets! If
they had an ounce of sense in their minds, I could convince them to join me!
Perhaps there may be-dare I dream-Meepits! I was then filled with hope and excitement
at the prospect of forming a small army. Unfortunately at that moment the blue
Kacheek happened to walk into the room and see the damage I'd done to the chaise
lounge. Now he and his owner are discussing whether I'm 'stable' enough to attend
PetPet Playhouse. Now I must remember to be on my best behavior for a while
to ensure I am allowed to go. For to be with other Meepits… I could converse
with them, find how our plans have developed in the past few years and when
are next attack is… Yes diary, we have launched many an attack before now; just
because we're laying low doesn't mean we always have. Let me tell you about
our most recent…
Several years before, I was born, the Meepits
staged their first attack in 100 years. Our target was a small undersea kingdom
more widely known as Maraqua. We'd had our eyes on Maraqua for a while. It was
small, isolated from other kingdoms, and their army force was weak. We of course
did not storm the city ourselves; if we did others would become suspicious far
too quickly. Instead we possessed a band of pirates to do our bidding. While
we controlled them from afar they ambushed and attacked the city, leaving a
massive whirlpool in their wake. Unfortunately, someone linked the pirates'
glowing red eyes with ours that we turn on and off at will and we were forced
to flee into hiding. Only a few years ago did we dare to venture out of our
native home, the Haunted Woods and mingle with the Neopian community once more…
But all was not forgotten dear diary… I remember
the day my "owner," the repulsive blue Kacheek spotted me in the Petpet Shop
window. How he begged to have me, diary! Alas his owner had not forgotten the
previous events, and she regarded me shrewdly. The young Kacheek wasn't a quitter
for certain. He insisted that there was nothing wrong with me and I was quite
harmless. He said that if I would just say 'meep' for her, I would melt her
heart. Let me tell you diary, 'meep' isn't exactly a dignified word for someone
of my profession. I flat out refused. Then Meepit #500 sidled up to me. 500
is very old for a Meepit. That's why he has such a low number; anyway he has
lived in the Petpet Shop for as long as I can remember and I think the world
of him. Whispering softly in my ear, he urged me to convince these people to
take me home as to spy on them as much as I possibly could. I reluctantly gave
in. Looking up the owner, making my eyes as possibly large as I could, I let
out a heart melting, "meep!" That did it. She caved in almost immediately after
that. I was purchased, brought to their dwelling, and christened with the name,
Meepsie. I've resided here since, alone and miserable, with only you, my diary,
for companionship.
So in conclusion, dear diary, my situation is
temporarily bleak. It seems that my captors have every intention to keep me
here and torture me as long as I live. But I will NEVER reveal my people's plans
to these fiends, I will stay strong and keep a cool composure, and one-day after
countless centuries of planning and waiting- my people will come. And when they
do, these monsters will live to regret the day they tangled with Meepits.
Meepit #2789, 5th rank and 9th class of the
Meepit population.
Author's Note: I'm telling you those Meepits are up to something! One look
into their beady little eyes and you can see that they're pure evil! EVIL!!!
Oh… sorry… *Cough* anyway…*Gasps* I actually got into the Neopian Times! 1st
time!!! *Does an uber happy dance*, I must be dreaming… *Pinches self*, ow…
Anyway thanks very much for reading this, I hope you enjoyed it!