Volcano Run: Does it Ever End? by ginelga
TYRANNIA - Volcano Run is my favorite game, I play it daily and always try to
get a high score on it. Never once did I ponder about how unusual it was that
it kept going on and on and on, until not too long ago I got an exceptionally
high score and noticed just how unusually fast the game went after you reached
that far. Without any thought about why I was doing so, I began playing it more,
even after I had sent my three scores of the day. I wanted to test out my theories
and see if they proved to be right. In some ways I was, and in some ways I wasn’t,
but I found myself strictly believing that something was up. I decided to write
in to the Neopian Times to share my view with you fellow Neopians and see if you
agreed or noticed something as well. Some of you may read this article and think
of me as a total ‘weirdo’ for writing such a silly thing, but this is something
I felt needed to be pointed out, and also something that I felt would make the
game more exciting for people to play. For those of you who don’t play Volcano
Run often, I advise you to. It’s fun, exhilarating, and great to play—not to mention
quite devious. I hope you enjoy reading this, quite ‘silly’ or ‘weird’ as it is.
I find that I think you just might enjoy it!
If you’ve ever played Volcano Run then you would know that once you begin
you’re led through a giant volcano to basically nothing. You just keep going
and going as if you’ve got all day to fly through a dangerous volcano full of
dodgy obstacles. Now, I’m not fool enough to believe that it just keeps on going
and going. There must be an end! Where do the endless rays and bubble-shields
come from? And how exactly do those blocks being to move? There must be something
at the end of that volcano, but I don’t think anyone wants us to know that!
There’s something somewhere down there and I know it, just hear me out and by
the end of the day you’ll be playing that game and searching frantically for
an end.
When you start playing Volcano Run you notice that you begin to fly very slowly
through the tremendous volcano. Once you’ve flown for around ten seconds, the
blocks begin to move up and down. Now exactly did this happen? It couldn’t have
been magic that set it off. I reckon that something deep down in that volcano
sets them off by itself.
Further down into the volcano, you venture into a large area with shiny crystals
glimmering in the air. As you marvel about the beauty of these crystals and
head towards them, a giant ray comes out of nowhere and ZAPS! you. For
a moment all you can do is just freeze in midair until your game finishes. Now,
may I ask, where did these come from? Typically, volcanoes don’t have rays shooting
through them at top speed at every waking moment. This volcano is obviously
a different story. And I haven’t even mentioned those bubble-shields yet…
So you begin your game again, conscious of the forever moving blocks and the
dangerous rays that come up unexpectedly. Venturing further on, your confidence
is at a peak and you realize that the game isn’t too shabby once you get the
hang of it.
Continuing along, you suddenly see a giant bubble looming before you. You
frantically try to dodge it but fail, and as you take a deep breath and close
your eyes, you wonder what will happen this time. You slam into the bubble and
slowly open your eyes and gasp. The bubble is surrounding you now! Putting two
and two together, you realize that it’s a shield and that it can protect you!
Further into the volcano you fly, happily rejoicing in your new discovery,
when suddenly a ray hits your bubble and it disappears. You shrug it off…after
all, there will be another one not too far away.
By now you’re at two thousand points, and as you continue to fly through the
volcano you realize that the shields aren’t appearing anymore.
Answer me this, how in the world would this have happened without assistance
from someone, or something? The shields cannot have just stopped coming!
Before you can marvel over this for too long, you realize that you are going
extremely fast. You almost can’t control where you’re going now! Everything
you pass becomes a blur and you begin to wonder how you’ve managed to get this
far. The rays are coming in handfuls, and the blocks are moving faster than
the speed of light.
Something is clearly trying to prevent you from getting too deep into this
cave. Something doesn’t want its secrets revealed, but you must go on! The speed
is unbearable by now, but you’ve got to find out what’s down there! There’s
a force trying desperately to stop you but you won’t give up.
Venturing further on, you know that you’re almost there. You can feel the
presence, you can almost hear it! You find yourself just steps away…you’re almost
there! Just one more step…
…and you smash into a block.
Game over.
Well, that’s it, something obviously didn’t want you disturbing them, and
their plan succeeded.
Now don’t you see what I’m talking about? It’s absurd! The moving blocks,
the lasers, the shields, the unbelievable speed as you approach “the end”. Is
it a mere coincidence, or a devious plan conjured up by the Neopets Team to
hide a dark secret?
Blocks don’t begin moving magically anywhere, rays of fire don’t appear
out of nowhere…something or something is trying to deceive us and someday I
will reach that end, and I will find out that secret.
So, fellow Neopians, go out there and start playing! You must reach
the end!