Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 106,046,831 Issue: 211 | 7th day of Collecting, Y7
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Maximus Insanitus

by hehe041578

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Great stories!


Never Wish to Fly: Part Three
The island was now close enough to land on, but despite her sore wings, Glia couldn't help but show off to the bystanders on the beach. She did a couple of twists and flips in the air. She stopped paying attention and nearly had a nasty collision with the ground in front of Neopia's arcade...

by puppy200010


Scholarly Thoughts
Who knew that knowledge could be so funny!

by philandrew


Sound Effects
Not all weapons are recommended for everyone...

by white_draigon


A Hand to Guide You: Part Two
When I awakened, for apparently I had passed out, I was in the hospital in Neopia Central. The familiar green gelert doctor was standing with his back to me at the chart nearby, and Bee was looking out the window...

by spunkyclaire

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