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The Unraveling Truth

by bookworm01


Dr. Sloth stared at me with his horrid, golden eyes. He was certainly angry. I saluted bravely, but I was wilting inside. One of my two-toed feet tapped the carpetted floor. Tap tap tap. Tappity tap. Dr. Sloth drummed his fingers on his desk abruptly, his head jolted up to the ceiling, his fingers curled around his lower lip. I stood completely frozen, unable to speak to this alien.

    At last, the alien folded his black cape's collar. He straightened his back, staring at me, boring straight into my thoughts.

    "Well, well, look what we have here. A Grundo captain." He stared at an unrevealed note card. "You are - Sir M - I presume? Yes, yes. Well, erm, I have an assignment for you. Mess up and you will be blasted with my ray gun!" The angry Sloth slammed his fist against the table, causing papers to scatter. A pencil flew in the air.

    "Yes Sir! What is the assignment?" I asked warily.

    "You must-eh? It says here you must fetch me an everlasting apple. Yes, yes! Fetch me this- Everlasting Apple," Dr. Sloth grinned deviously and ran his grimy fingers through his hair. I winced.

    "Sir, I haven't enough neopoints!" I pleaded with him.

    "Very well," Sloth stood up and strode to an ominous shape. His hand raised to strike a button.

    "Never mind!" I rushed out the door.

    "BEGONE!" Sloth shouted behind me.


    I ran to the rocket resting in the basement. I crept down the dusty staircase and flicked a switch. There was a click, and a hole opened in the ceiling. I heaved the door open to the newly polished rocket ship. I pounced inside, closing the door securely behind me. I seated myself in the cockpit. My blue Grundo fingers pressed a few large buttons, pulled some switches, and reversed levers. There was a whirring noise, and I shot into the inky black space. Usually, I would have enjoyed this, but I had business to do.

    I pushed on a large helmet, fitting a mouthpiece and earpiece before my mouth and ear.

    "Leaving HQ. Destination... Faerieland," I muttered into the microphone. The line went dead. The rocket zipped at hyper speed towards Neopia. It tore through the atmosphere and fell down to the clouds in Faerieland. I spun the wheel to the left, and we fell into the woods a mile from the Land of Faeries. I stepped cautiously out, and ran for it. I had to be sure to leave my superior outfit inside, due to the fact I would be discovered.

    I flew to Faerieland in a jetpack. I crept through the shadows, making my way to the Hidden Tower. After walking awhile, I ran into nothing. Must be it. With my hand, I searched frantically for the door. You see, I was out of the shadows. I flung something open and stepped inside. It was completely empty. Fyora was reading a book. She smiled and waved gingerly to me.

    My heart melted. She was beautiful. Her silky, long lavender hair lay on her shoulders. Her smooth, cream-colored skin was as smooth as ever. Her satin dress was smoothed about her, and her pale, pink wings twitched. She was reading an old book. I could not steal from her. But I knew it was better than being turned to sludge.

    I tip-toed to an Everlasting Apple. I found one, and when the Queen wasn't looking, I snatched it. I shoved it in my pocket. The Queen looked at me, and I smiled as innocently as possible.

    "Wonderful shop," I said smoothly, "You must get a lot of neopoints daily!"

    "From the rich, I do. Although poor neopets often steal from me. They are always caught. You know, I have guards watching. You probably don't see them. I feel sorrowful for the people who run away. It would be much better to return it on the spot," the Queen explained. Sweat dripped down my forehead. This was intimidating. She must've been watching!

    "Yes, I agree," I said clearly. Then I waved nervously. I doubt she saw. As soon as I was outside I crept back down to my rocket ship, pursued by some faeries. Uh-oh. I pressed an 'Ignition' button. The rockets whirred to life, and the faeries were about to tear their way inside. I flew upwards, followed by faeries. Fast ones. I zipped towards Neopia Central, then up to the Space Station. They were left in the dust. Which was what Grundos usually prefer.


    "Dr. Sloth," I stuttered, "I have your Everlasting Apple."

    "You little bucket of filth! You are late!" the angry Sloth bellowed. He grabbed me by the collar of my blue uniform and hauled me to a stretcher. There I was strapped down, and a ray gun was aimed at me. There was a terrifying crack. Energy bounced through me.

    I closed my eyes, only to find I was no longer a Grundo. I was a Scorchio. A yellow one.

    Dr. Sloth clapped his hands, "Perfect! You will be stripped of your title and you will be sentenced to a lower. Transporting."

    There was a blinding flash. I perceived Sloth was far, far away. I was underwater, underground. How odd. In a sort of room. Wanting to make my master joyful, I created some chemicals and tubes. After many days, I came up with many chemicals. I patted the rusting ray that had been transported with me. I created many bubbling liquids, placing them cautiously in test tubes and vials.

    There I experimented with them and after some time I singled out the best of the best liquids. I unrolled a small cap on the ray, and poured the fluids into a small container. The swished inside, and I rolled the cap back on.

    And then, I slept.


    Alas, here I am now. My once clean and bald head is covered in uncleaned tufts of grayed hairs. I don't have time to comb them, you see. My scales are crushed and chipped, my once amber eyes have changed to a colorless gray. I wear a stained lab coat. The buttons are gone, and unraveling, like the truth. I have many gashes, and bruises to tell the tale of my life. My life that is slipping from my grasp.

     When I was young, I wanted to heal pain. Which is exactly what I'm not doing. I want to heal, but I am cursed, trapped in this nightmare. I don't want to change and meet an angered Sloth. I zap Neopets, poor, poor Neopets with the ray. I see their misery creased in their eyes.

    Misery which I can never heal. My horrible deeds can never be undone. I never meant to steal and to be late. I can't prevent what is happening. I can't undo what has been done. My heart is cold and strong, although I am fading. Someday soon, these deeds will take me, and I will fade, melt into the world. The truth has unraveled from me. My misery secludes me into haunting nightmares. I can't escape. Nothing... nothing... nothing can help me escape this misery.

    I only meant to please my master.

The End

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