A Guide to Feeding Those Mischief Makers - Kadoaties by lil_hrobi
Okay. So every single Neopian in the world of Neopia is just that desperate to
feed even one Kadoatie. And then they become just that desperate to feed more
and more until they hit 100. After that, if they’re a person like me, they keep
feeding and feeding and feeding until they hit number 1333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333337.
So how do you feed Kadoaties anyway?
The first thing you probably should know is where you’ll find the Kadoatery.
The Kadoatery is located on the bottom – middle left of the Neopia Central map.
Now, most of the time when you get to the Kadoatery, you usually see something
Mal has been fed!
Thanks, *InsertUsernameHere*
With a happy Kadoatie in a cage, with a grey background. So when do you know
when the Kadoatie’s will be sad, helpless, and begging for food? Simple – Find
the Kadoatery board! The Kadoatery board(s) is found in the Games Chat. A Main
is when most of the Kadoaties will RS (Restock) and a mini is when only one
or a few Kadoaties restock. If you see someone using the term “merge”, that’s
when the main and mini, or two or more minis come together, so basically, it
combines the minis, or gets rid of a mini. Before the restock, you’ll usually
see “GLF” or “GLMF” depending on if it’s a main or mini. GLF is used before
the main, and means Good Luck Feeders. GLMF is used before the mini, and means
Good Luck Mini Feeders. CMF stands for Congratulations, Mini Feeders, and CF
is Congratulations Feeders. HN is a term that’s used to say “Had Nothing”. Remember
though, the Kadoaties won’t always refresh on time – they can and will wait
up to 30 minutes after the time listed.
Now to get back on track. I know, excuse my horrible timing and bad manners.
:D How do you feed a Kadoatie?
Well, if you refresh at the right time (Kadoaties will restock on the minute
to 5 seconds after the minute), you should see a white background, with text
somewhat like this:
is very sad.
You should give it
If you have that item in your inventory – Hurry and click! If it’s in your
Safety Deposit Box, get it out before someone else! Or, if you’re willing to
risk it, you can Shop Wizard Feed (personally my least favorite method as it
eats all my neopoints). Inventory feeding is where the item is directly in your
inventory. Next, I recommend you pick items that are categorized. For example,
my inventory has all pies, snow puffs, milkshakes, a few pizzas, and just one
item that I find appears at the Kadoatery a lot. In my Safety Deposit Box, I
have Ice Creams, and also failed Kadoatie feeds (shhhhh). You can choose to
stock all fruit items, burgers, etc. – Anything that suits your liking. I recommend
you have 3 or 4 windows open. One for the Kadoatery, one ready to take items
out of your Safety Deposit Box, one of the Shop Wizard IF you want to wiz feed,
or an optional window for the Kadoatery Board. Remember, this doesn’t take millions
of neopoints! We don’t just feed unbuyable items. This takes practice, so don’t
get disappointed or let down if someone else feeds the Kadoatie before you.
Remember – You can only feed one Kadoatie per round of main and minis. If you
try to feed another Kadoatie that you have the item for, you should see this
It looks like you’ve already fed a Kadoatie.
As soon as that one goes home with its owner, you can feed another one :)
Let’s say you fed a Kadoatie – but someone else’s name shows up instead of
yours! That’s because you tied. Ties occur when you and another person fed the
Kadoatie at exactly the same time. It’s a good thing if your name doesn’t show
up; that means you CAN feed in the mini or main that’s right after. If your
name does show up, however – Sorry! You can’t feed until the next round comes
and your name disappears.
So what do you get out of this?
When you feed your first Kadoatie, you get a nice spiffy bronze trophy! You’ll
be keeping that trophy until you feed another 9 Kadoaties – That’s when you
get an even spiffier silver trophy! If you make it to 25 Kadoaties, you’re rewarded
with an uberly spiffiest GOLD trophy! Then, of course, if you’re able to make
it to _____ Kadoaties, you get an avatar! (Not saying how many need to be fed.)
The Kadoatery boards refer to this as “Going Pink!” (The avatar is pink, you
see :D). Aaaannddd, if you feed enough Kadoaties, you can get an actual Kadoatie
to take home with you! (It says so right in the Editorial, week #159, though
no one has accomplished this yet)
If you see someone feeding over the avatar number of Kadoaties fed, it means
they are an “overfeeder”. They are feeding more than the avatar requires, which
is when most people stop as they only feed to get the avatar. Don’t get angry
at them. It’s just a game; people are allowed to feed for the heck of it! Just
remember, Kadoatie feeding is for fun, it’s not made to stress you out (Unless
it’s some evil plot TNT has planned *shifty eyes*). Just keep practicing, and
don’t give up! It takes some people months to feed their first Kadoatie! I’ll
say this again, DON’T GIVE UP! You can do it!