10 Ways to Get Items From the Neocola Machine by cheesechart
So, you're just walking through Kreludor (Well, really you're not walking, 'cause
there isn't really any gravity, so maybe bouncing?) and you see the Neocola Machine.
Most people would probably run because of the bad, doomy things they hear about
How could a Neocola machine be evil? But anyway, do you have one of those Neocola
tokens? If you do, go waste it on the machine! You don't have one? Well, don't
fret, there’s nine more ways to get prizes from the Neocola Machine. :)
1. The ever so famous way - A Neocola Token, duh! What else is it good for?
You can find Neocola Tokens in other Neopian's Shops (But I don't know why they
won't waste them on the Neocola Machine) for about 5-10k each. If you want a
real bargain, then there are also some in stock at the Space Weaponry shop at
the Space Station. Put the Neocola token in the slot - and Ta-Da! You get your
prize (Just hope it's not a Bag full of Doom).
2. Stuff a Meepit in the Machine. Hey, they like getting into trouble, so why
not let them get you a little snack. It's quite easy really, just stuff the
Meepit where the Neocola comes out, Meepit climbs up, grabs prize, and then
comes back down. Simple, eh? But, there is also a downside to this one. The
Meepit could both get stuck and never come out, or whoever (or whatever) is
in the Machine might keep your Meepit as their own...
3. Push all the buttons at once. You know that dang Neocola machine is badly
built; if you just push one button something will come out. Although, if you
want to do this step, press the Neocola button that looks the most colorful;
that's what I always do. But you can do whatever you like. One button, three
buttons, all the buttons, they will all give you different items.
4. Here is the one most everyone has done at least once - kick it. Now, don't
you dare tell me that you never kicked a machine before - or never kicked the
Neocola one. That thing can make someone have a bad day if it just eats their
Neocola Token. This one kinda refers to number three, when I say it's badly
built. When you kick it, all the loose items (which is practically everything)
come falling, and you get your prizes. ^^
5. Don't have a Neocola Token? Use a Nerkmid! Do you really think that thing
knows the difference between a Nerkmid and a Neocola token? That's what I thought.
The Nerkmid may be a little bigger, but I know for a fact that you can fit it
in there. I know what you're thinking. "I'm not wasting 60,000 neopoints, so
that some machine can explode!" Well, you never know what will happen if you
use something other than a Neocola token.
6. One of my personal favorites - make it explode. Yep, you heard me, blow
the machine up! I mean, Sloth or whoever invented it is gonna rebuild it. Besides,
when it does explode, you get ALL of the items, all the ones that aren't scorched,
that is. Another good thing about this one is that along with the items, you
get the Neocola tokens that go along with it ;).
7. Use Super gadget tools to unlock the Neocola Machine. Sure, this one is
a little childish, but hey! You'll get to have some fun with it. I suggest that
you use a wrench. It's not a Super Gadget one, but it will still do wonders
if you just smack the machine with it a couple times. Sloth always does it when
he's fixing it...
8. Get Sloth to buy one for you. He's always sitting on his lazy bum, thinking
of ways to destroy and/or take over Neopia. It's time that he does something
nice for the citizens of Neopia, more importantly you, and start giving them
free Neocola tokens =P.
9. Throw Evil Fuzzles at the machine. What good are Evil Fuzzles except for
the Evil Fuzzles: Beyond the Stars game? If you throw them at the Neocola Machine,
their razor-sharp teeth will bite right through the Machine, getting to the
prizes. Just hope they will stop before they get to the prizes, or you just
got bitten in the hands one hundred times for nothing.
10. And our last one, just use neopoints to get something. Like I said, that
thing doesn't know a Kougra from a Wocky. Neopoints work the best out of the
three (Nerkmids, Neopoints, Neocola Tokens) because you can just put in, like,
one neopoint and it will give you 47 things. Also like I said before, maybe
something even better will happen with a neopoint, rather than a Neocola Token.
Well, I hope you liked my ideas on how to get stuff from the Neocola Machine,
but unfortunately it is over. I know, you loved it so much you want it to fill
up an entire issue of the Neopian Times XD. There are of course more ways, I
just named a few. You must have a creative mind to know how to get prizes from
the Neocola machine. Bye!
Wow, you must really like this a lot if you’re still reading this...
You know what, for being so nice, and interested in what I wrote, I'll give
you one more way to get items from the Neocola Machine.
11. Scream. That machine acts like glass; it's so fragile and so badly built.
If you or a friend has a high-pitched scream, your items are guaranteed (Hey,
I made a rhyme =o). Just remember to bring earmuffs. CAUTION: MAKING HIGH-PITCHED
Well, are you happy now? I must be on my way. Also, I hope you liked my last
tip. Have fun getting items!
No really, I'm done now. Please go now, unless you wanna spend the rest of
your life waiting for another 10 ways to get stuff from the Neocola Machine...