Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 112,982,760 Issue: 225 | 27th day of Sleeping, Y8
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The General Idea

by clueless_morgan

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Behind the Mystery of the Kougra's Paw: Part Three
All that could be viewed for miles around was water, and that was how it had been for days now. They were blessed with strong winds and clear skies, but Hali was growing restless, eager to catch up to Fire Paw...

by inanti


Taking the Long Way: Part Three
"So then are you going to tell me why you followed me to Sakhmet? And why you were skulking behind me the entire way back?"

by senya


Jubble Bubble Guide
Now that frustration you were screaming about will all be over. Just read on and all your Jubble Bubble problems will be solved.

by annie737


The erasers are coming! o_0

by lightmik3000

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