Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 114,248,913 Issue: 228 | 17th day of Awakening, Y8
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by sillygirl_543

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"Don't worry, Foofie. You'll look fabulous when I'm done," my owner promised...

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"They were expecting us," Tye said, closing her eyes. "They knew we didn't die when Charger pushed us off the cliff, and they knew we would try and find them."

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And it was his turn. Anything could happen. Nohla had flattened everything but the ice puddle on the Snow Cone's side of the field in the first 22 minutes...

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"Fine pair we are, Icy. A Christmas Kougra and a white Weewoo on Terror Mountain - talk about blending in. But I'm bored. What shall we do?"

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